Halloween Dance Preparations

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It has been two months since the incident with the girls and they have been mutual towards us. Basie and I still have to convince them that they are our mates, 2 kiss them, and 3 mark them to show that they are ours. Their is no specific order to do these things. Me and Basie are going to make the girls theirs. Soon after that talk we had to go meet all the prefects in our room to plan the Halloween Dance.


Ginny and I have been keeping the boys at arms length and not letting them too close. We are going to meet them along with the other prefects in our dorm at 7:00 p.m. We are going to have a Halloween Dance for the returning 7th years and formal 7th years. I really don't see what the big deal is with Dances, I really never saw the point in them. But as Head Girl I have to plan the whole thing with the help of prefects and other students.

When it was 6:45 or so most of the people were their except the usual Slytherins, who never come early or on time at that fact. Everyone was there soon enough and we had to come up with food, drinks, decorations, and the style of party. We all ended up picking a masquerade party so people could hide their faces if wanted, but masks were a must. Slytherin prefects were to pick food and drinks, Gryffindor was to decorate, Ravenclaw was to clean the hall and arrange the tables, and Hufferpuff was to make flyers for the Dance.

The party was going to be tomorrow on Halloween (daaaa) at 7:00-11:00 o'clock. The prefects left the room and Ginny and I decided to head to bed early. We left the boys to talk with each other about something and went to bed.


I snuck my computer with me and I will update. 

 Have a nice day!

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