The Train Ride Entering into Winter Break

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Hey sorry that I don't update that much, I am just a really busy person. I also have a lot on my plate.  Hear is a new chapter and I hope you enjoy the ride!


3rd POV

The teens woke up at 8:00 a.m. so the they would have some time to get ready for the train ride which leaves at 10 a.m. The four decided to just eat in their dorm, to avoid any conflict with people. Their breakfast was fairly short and the girls went to their room to double check that they had everything.The boys did the same. At the end, everyone gathered in the common area.

Hermione's POV

We all gathered in the common room to decide where we would all sit on the train. Ginny and I needed to talk to Harry, so we asked the boys if it was ok for him to join us in the "Head's Compartment". The boys said it was fine, but if he did any funny business than he would be thrown out(not that you nasty). When it hit 9:30ish, we all started to head out to get onto the train. We arrived at 9:45, and started to make our way into the train. Ginny and I were looking for Harry, until we spotted him saying goodbye to Hagrid. We called for his name and he made his way to us. I told him that we are going to the Head's Compartment to talk.By the time we reached the compartment, Draco and Blaise were already there. Harry sat in-between the two of us, and greeted the two boys. They looked a little uncomfortable, but loosen up after a little. 

H-" So Harry, Ginny and I have to tell you something, please don't ask any questions until we are finished explaining ok". HP-"Ok, so what do you guys want to tell me". G-" Well, Ronald and Parkinson found out about us. They were apparently listening to our conversation with you that night". H-" Now they are threatening us to split up, or they will tell the whole school about Draco and Blaise".HP-" Oh, he is such and asshole. Now that you mention it he has been acting a little off. What are you guys going to do"? G&H-"we don't know".

Draco's POV

We were listening to the conversation and watching Potter's, I mean Harry's, reaction to the whole situation. He looked upset, angry, and worried. When the girls were done talking, I decided to say something. " Yo Harry, I need you to do something for me". HP-" What do you need me to do"? I then tell him to lean in so I can whisper it into his ear, I need you........".

What will happen next?


Hey I hope you like the new chapter. I will update(hopefully) soon. Thx for reading.

Have a lovely day and Like, Comment, and Follow.

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