Halloween Dance Party Part 2

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Draco's point of View

Blasie and I depart from Hermione and Ginny and decide to join our other Slytherin friends. To be honest we weren't listing to what our friends were saying, we were more focused on our mates(Hermione and Ginny). They were dancing gracefully all night until Hermione left the Great Hall so I followed her. She looked a little unstable and bumped into me. 

I quickly smelled the sent of alcohol and without a second thought I pinned her to the wall and asked her if she was drinking. Apparently someone spiked the drink and she had a few cups and got drunk.I looked at her for a second and she looked scared, I then relaxed my face. At this point I couldn't control myself and leaned in to kiss.

Hermione's point of View

As Draco went to kiss me I, moved my hand and slapped him. I tried to get away, but he pulled me into his embrace and kissed me. I kicked him in the balls and made a run for the stairs. I got to our common room and started throwing all of the dishes we had. I hear foot steps, and the door went flying open. 

Draco, Ginny, and Blasie storm into the room right after me. I am still throwing dishes, and I didn't notice that my hands were drenched in my blood, then Draco comes behind me and tries disarming me. Ginny tries to get him away from me (she is also drunk) but Blasie grabbed her from behind and restrains her. We are both crying and screaming on the floor trying to break away from the boys embrace. We struggle, but fail to escape and now are left crying in the boys embrace. Ginny and I eventually fall asleep and that is the last thing I remember.

Draco's point of view  

I chased after Hermione and notice Ginny and Blasie right behind me. I entered the room to a horrific sight of Hermione with blood covered on her hands and costume. I lashed out and restrain her from causing any more harm to herself. I notice Ginny comming after me, but Blasie also restrains her from doing anything rash. After an she calmed down I healed her wounds. An hour later both Hermione and Ginny fell asleep in our arms while we we stroking their hair. Soon enough Blasie and I fell asleep.


Hope you enjoyed!

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