Packing With Worries

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Hey I had some free time on my hand and decided to write this chapter now. Cursing as always now. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Third POV

After the four left the pub, they went straight to their bed chambers without another word. Everyone had a dreamless night .

Hermione's POV

When I woke up I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around  my waste. After a few seconds of processing what was happening, my eyes shot right open and looked at the person holding me. The person who was next to me was Draco snuggled against my chest. Trying not to wake him, I slowly slid out of his arms. When I thought I was in the clear I shifted of the bed, but then Draco pulled me back onto the bed. He said, " Where are you planning on going". Well I was going to see if Ginny was down stairs.

Ginny's POV

When I started to come to my senses, I realized that I was not in my room. Right in front of me was the peaceful sleeping face of Blaise, wait.....what, why am I in his room. I slowly slid out of the bed, and when I was about to stand up I was pulled back into bed and snuggled by Blaise. Blaise must have sensed my confusion and getting out of bed because he was holding me tight, stroking my hair, trying to calm me down. After a little he asked where I was going to go and I said I was going to see where Hermione was.  

Third POV

Around 8 o'clock on a Sunday morning everyone started to make their way down stairs. They only have two days to spend together before they leave for winter break. The pairs didn't want to split for the holidays, but they had to do so. Draco and Blaise were worried that Wessel might do something to harm the girls, and were going to keep a watch on the girls emotions. After everyone ate their breakfast, they headed to their rooms to change. 

Hermione's and Ginny's POV

We both walked the stairs to get to our room, but them the boys were following us. "Um do you guys mind, we have to get changed". Boys respond" No, we don't mind, carry on". We both walked up to the door irritated and proceeded to walk in. At last second we closed the door on the boys to keep them out. The boys were banging on our door to let them in, but to their avail they didn't exceed. We got changed and proceeded to pull out our suit cases out from under our beds. 

Draco's and Blaise'd POV   

After the girls shut us out of their room, we went to our room and got changed. Then we walked back to their door to eavesdrop on their conversation. We could sense that they were happy, calm, and then worried. Why are they worried? To find the answer we have to be Dora the explorer/ Diego and find clues to solve he problem. We hear the girls talking about last night and how we have until New Years to spill the beans(if you know what I mean). Then the girls say something that peeks our interest.

H " What if the best thing to do is to stop the whole thing". G" Yea, we don't want anyone knowing about the boys, and we don't want them to get hurt". H" How do we approach them on this topic"? G" I don't know Hermione".



I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a lovely day.

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