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     The rest of the night was a blur. I ended up waking up as we TP'd some houses, egged some more houses and then we ended up going to McDonalds. After that we went to a small clearing to hang out where we ended up using what was left on each other. Squirting toothpaste at each other and throwing eggs at each other it was fun. Messy but fun.

      We went back to Wes' and my brother drove us home. Once we got in the house laughing while covered in egg and toothpaste. Someone gasped and I looked over to see mom.

"What happened!?"mom asked. "I was worried sick about you two. Do you have any idea how late it is?"

"We were hanging out with Wes"my brother stated.

"Well...did you have fun? Actually I guess I don't have to ask since you both are covered in God knows what." Mom said in distaste covering her nose. She then looked at the hoodie I was wearing.

"Why are you wearing Wes' hoodie?"mom raised a questioning eyebrow.

"I got cold and so he noticed and he threw this at me"I shrugged.

"Awe that's sweet"mom said as her eyes sparkled.
Ew! Gag me, Wes is anything but sweet!

"Okay sure"I nodded. "Well I'm tired I'm gonna take a shower and go to bed"I said.  Mom had tears in her eyes.

"My babies are growing up"she sniffed.

" you gonna be okay?

"Oh yeah it's probably just the hormones a side affect of being pregnant"she said wiping away tears.

"Gross"I mumbled under my breath. "Well goodnight then"I said going to my room.

      I took a long warm 20 minute shower and then blow dried my hair and took my clothes to the wash room. I changed from my robe to a oversized t shirt and underwear. I laid down and fell asleep before I even realized it.
     Beep beep beep beep!!! I groaned annoyed at the sound of my alarm clock. I hit it knocking it off of the night stand and started to doze off. The door slammed open and I whined. I wrapped my blanket tighter around me. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to leave. I felt sick and unable to move.

    "Rise and shine pancake you have to leave early your brother got morning practice so hurry up and get ready!"Hilly stated cheerily.  She went over to my closet and grabbed some clothes laying them on my lounge chair. She opened my curtains then walked out.

    I reluctantly got out of bed. I didn't feel a point in getting up but I knew it was for the best. I got up and walked into the bathroom and sat my clothes on the counter. I brushed my teeth then got dressed. I styled my hair then put on some simple makeup.

     I yawned while going over to my bag I slung it over my shoulder. I went downstairs and my brother was waiting at the bar. He walked out and I grabbed an apple. Hilly stopped me. She made me take my medicine and handed me a lunch bag.

   "You need to eat something other than an apple for once."

   Brand and I left making our way to school. It was so dead this early. The football jocks were here and I was way to lazy to walk so I had my brother carry me. He dropped me off at the senior court yard tables by the football field then he went to change in the boys locker room.

     I opened the book I've been reading and I highlighted a part.  I had my light brown leather journal out so I could write quotes I like from my book in. I ate my apple while I continued to read. I finished my apple and put my book back in my bag to tired to continue. I rested my head on my arms as I started dozing off.
    I felt someone poke my shoulder but ignored it. It was probably just my imagination because I was sleep deprived. "Is you dead?"I heard a voice ask as I groaned.

"Eric get away from her"I heard a familiar voice.

"I thought she was dead!"Eric said. I started dozing off when a hand shook my shoulder lightly. I groaned and heard a sigh.

"I wish Wesley would stop sending me to run his errands." A familiar airy voice said from behind me. I looked up and blinked away my tiredness.

   "Austin?"I asked.

"No...I'm Jake from State Farm"he laughed.

"What's wrong?"I asked in confusion.

"Oh nothing! Don't worry Wes just wanted me to find you!"

"Why?"I asked.

"Not sure. Come on though. Up up up"He said helping me off the bench.

"I'm too tired to deal with his stupidity"I whined packing my bag. I zipped it then put it on and followed Austin.

   "Whoa!"I gasped tripping over a tree root. Austin caught me.

  "Girl you are clumsy as hell!"He laughed then threw me over his shoulder. I squealed in surprise.

"Hey! Put me down dude"I said smacking his back but he didn't budge.

   "Okay"he said dropping me and I fell flat on my butt with a oomph. I groaned not wanting to get up. Just then I felt a hand pull me up and I looked at Wes.

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