Sign ups and football fields

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     To say fighting with Caleb is like trying to talk to a wall is a understatement. We have been fighting over whether coconut cream pie is better than pumpkin pie. I love pumpkin pie. I mean sure it's a worthless thing to fight over but Caleb just made me so mad he was dumber then a box of rocks heck I think that was the only thing in his thick skull.

"Look Caleb math alone gives me a head ache can you just can it before I staple your mouth shut"I grumbled as I rested my forehead on the desk.

"Awe is Caleb to much to handle for miss prissy pants?"Wes teased as I brought my head up and glared at him.

"You're pushing it Walker. Really pushing know what, how about I just staple both of your mouths shut?"

I believe my calculus teacher has it out for me she sat me in between Caleb- motor mouth- Morgan and the one and only Wesley-fucking-Walker.

At this point in time I wish that I could stab myself in the face with my pencil over and over again. 

"Awe get used to it angel cake you'll be seeing a lot more of me seeming as I am your brothers best friend"he said.

"You've never been a problem to me before"I scoffed.

"To be completely honest I didn't even know you existed, Brand never mentioned he had a sister. Now that you guys live closer though I can come over more just to see your cute little face"He said pinching my cheek.

"Gross"I said.  "Besides as much as I love your little bromance with my brother, I'll pass on the whole you seeing my cute little face. I don't want to see yours so just leave me out of your life and we won't have a problem"I said.

Before Wes could say anything else the bell rang and I quickly grabbed my stuff and went to my locker making my way through the crowd of smelly grimy gym kids that just exited the gym. Lucky me right?

I made it to my locker and quickly put in the combination. I grabbed my bag and made sure I had everything before I shut the locker door.

"Hey sis"Brandon said as I jumped and let out a small yelp.

"Brand don't do that!"

"I didn't know I was gonna scare you!"

"This is one of the reasons mom wants us to get to know each other better"I sighed heavily.

"I know I'm sorry. By the way I can't really drive you home I have football practice"he said.

"That's fine can't you just get one of your friends to you home or..."I trailed off remembering what Wesley said. "You know what? I have to sign up for the talent show then I'll just come and watch you practice. We can go home ourselves....because I hate your friends"I stated.

"Okay"he chuckled. "But Emma, is the talent show really a good idea I mean you are an introvert.  I just don't want you to like...pass out again or something"

"Brand I'll be fine just you watch"I stated.

"Okay well I gotta go to the locker room"he said awkwardly before leaving.  I went to the PAC aka the performing arts center where signups were being held and the teacher smiled at me.

"Hello I'm Mrs. McCan are you here to sign up?"she asked excitedly.

"Yeah I might as well extra credit is always welcome"I shrugged.

"That's wonderful sign your name here"she said as I grabbed the pen and signed my name in cursive. Emma Johnson.

"Wonderful see you Saturday for tryouts"she smiled. I nodded and walked out . I bumped into someone in the lobby and the impact of the person made me fall flat on my ass. I looked up and saw none Austin Lane or as Bailey called him "the player". He held out a hand and I stared at it. Uh...should I?

"Do you not know a helpful hand when you see one? I don't bite"he said pulling me up. "Unless you want me to"he smirked.

""I had a distraught look on my face I couldn't manage a full sentence...I mean yeah he's hot but in the name of sanity...absolutely not!

"Calm down pretty girl you're off limits"he chuckled. Off limits? What does that mean!? What am I unscrewable or know what I'm not gonna over think this.

"I gotta go don't wanna be late for football practice"he said winking at me then running off leaving me in the empty lobby of the PAC.

I sighed and went back to the school building and walked down the hallway in the direction of the football field until I saw Jared the creep from earlier. I gasped when he saw me and I quickly turned the other way quickly walking down a different hallway. I heard him following me and I saw the set of double doors at the end of the hallway.

I quickly pushed them open and ran out. I threw my bag on the ground to lose the extra weight as I kept running.

"Emma!"I heard Jared call but I kept running until I realized I literally just ran into the middle of the guys' practice and was about to get tackled.

I gasped and jumped to the side successfully dodging one of the guys that didn't realize they were about to tackle me. Another boy was about to catch the ball running backwards right towards me. The ball came flying my way and I quickly caught it much to my surprise. I fell to the ground as the football player thankfully stepped over me.

I laid on my back hugging the ball to my chest as I squeezed my eyes shut before hearing  the whistle blow. My chest hurts. Did I just die?

"Wait new girl? Yo Brand it's your sister!" I heard a voice say I opened my eyes and all the guys were huddled around looking at me.

"Emma what are you doing?"Brand asked taking his helmet off. He pulled me up and dusted me off. I was still gripping the ball in shock.

"What the hell. Are you trying to commit suicide?"Wesley snarled.

"Well from the looks of it she had it handled"a guy said.

"What are you doing running into the middle of a football field during practice, dumbass!?"Brandon asked.

"I was running from...someone and didn't realize where I was until I got here"I said wheezing. "Ran...too much."

"Who were you running from?"Austin asked.

"This guy named Jared"I said trying to catch my breath. I saw Wesley's jaw clench and then I looked at Brandon in panic.

"Well that was some awesome moves new girl"a guy laughed.

"Hey you good?"Brand asked.

"I-I can't breathe"I managed to say between bated breaths.

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