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I felt the feeling of hands grab me roughy. I was yanked away from Alec and spun around to come face to face with Wesley.

   "Hiieyyy Weess!"I stated like a kid walking into a candy store except Wes was the man candy and I was the little kid with virgin eyes. Wait that sounded bad...I think.

    Yet again a hand roughly grabbed me and I was slung over someone's shoulder. I felt dizzy and wanted to puke. I knew it was Wesley he always smelled like expensive and intoxicating cologne like Alec, but Wes was a different scent.

   We got outside and he put me down on my feet. I groaned and Wes held onto me to keep me stable.

   "Sick"I whined. I bent over a bit and puked. Wesley held my hair back letting out a sigh. I puked until I somewhat felt better.  Wesley handed me a water bottle and then helped me to the car.

     He buckled me up and then went and got in on his side. He started the car and began to drive. I looked over to see his jaw clenched and a stern expression on his face.

"What's your problem Mr. Grumpy pants?"I asked poking his cheek.


  "Wesley. Wesley. Hey...what's wrong. Wesley. Wesley."

      "My brother kissed you. Damnit Emma"he said gripping the steering wheel tightly until his knuckles turned white.

"I kissed him. Kissies! It was fun and yummy. Can I not have fun?"I asked.

    "You can have fun you just can't kiss people. Especially my brother"Wesley stated.

"Why are you upset with me?"I asked.

"B-because...I'm you brothers best friend and I have to look out for you!"he said defensively.

"That's stupid!"I pouted. "Why does it matter who I kiss and don't kiss!? You kissed some girl!"

"Why does that matter?"

   "Why does Alec and me kissing matter?"

    "Whatever Emma just drop it"he said.

"Whatever Emma just drop it"I quietly mimicked him as I looked out the window.


"What?" I crossed my arms.

"Stop crying"he sighed.

    "I'm not"I said. I brought my hands to my cheeks and sure enough they were wet from tears.

    "You've had a long night. Go to sleep Princess"he said softly. I wanted to object but my body was so tired. Soon I drifted off into a sleep.
I rolled over and wrapped the soft comforter around me. I slowly opened my eyes. The soft light coming from curtains burnt them slightly. My muscles were aching and I felt sick.

    I went to sit up but realized that was a really bad idea. My head felt as if somebody was splitting it open with an axe. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes again. Tears escaped my eyes and I rested my head back on the pillow.

     "Good morning sleeping bea- Whoa that's quite a hairdo...you actually kinda look like the beast right now. Good morning Beast!"Wesley cheered from the doorway. I lightly glared at him.

    "What am I doing here?"I groaned wrapping the blanket tighter around me.

    "Well one....you got wasted last night. Two I really did not want to be the blame for that. Gotta keep my good image with your mom!"He smiled.

    I groaned and stood up I took one step and almost fell well if it wasn't for Wesley's fast reflexes. He held me up and I looked up at him as he looked down at me.

   "Be careful"he said running a hand through my hair.

"Ugh...I need Advil or something"I groaned.

   "Okay hold on"he said sitting me on the bed. He turned on the ceiling fan and I laid back down.

     I wonder what happened last night. If I was drunk that'd be a first. Being drunk is fun I guess...I mean I don't remember much. But it sucks too because I now know what a hangover feels like. I am wearing someones hoodie which is most likely Wes' because it smells like him.

    I looked over at the Alexa home screen. Oh. My. God. The talent show auditions are today! What time is it!? I felt my eyes go wide as I looked for my phone. I forgot I left it at the house. I pushed through the pain and jogged downstairs. Each step more painful then the last.

    "Wes!"I said turning around the corner. I crashed into someone. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Alec.

  "Are you incapable of walking?"He asked.

    "Are you incapable of being polite?"

    "I was polite enough to let you kiss me last night. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going home." He said readjusting his jacket and then leaving....kiss? What kiss?

Wes came around the corner and handed me a water and an Advil. I took them and thanked him.

"What is Alec talking about? He said we kissed"I said confused. Wes' jaw visibly clenched but then he smiled as if nothing happened.

"You did"Wes stated.


"Emma!" Linda smiled coming over to me.

"Hi Linda, how are you?"

    "Perfect just waiting on my husband to get off work so we can go on our date!"She exclaimed.

"That sounds nice"I said.

"What about you?"

"Uh...what time is it?"I asked.

"11:30"Linda said. The report time for auditions is 12:30! I still have to get ready.

"Oh god I have to get home! I have auditions today"I said.

"Auditions?"Linda asked.

"Yeah for the talent show I signed up for it"I stated.

"That's awesome well good luck. Wes get her home so she can get ready"Linda said.

"Okay come on princess"Wes said putting his arm around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away as we walked out.

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