Aunt Iris and hot celebirties

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    (Picture of Bailey^^^)
    "I-I can't breath"I managed to say between bated breaths.

"Where's your inhaler?"he asked but I didn't have enough air in my lungs to talk.

I felt like I was being compressed between two walls. My chest was so tight I couldn't verbally communicate so I pointed over to my bag. He darted off the field and over to my bag.

"Hold on Emma he's coming"Wesley said. Brand quickly came back quickly giving me my inhaler. I took a puff of it and relaxed. The guys helped me to my feet.

"Move over"I heard the coach yelled blowing his whistle. "Move over you big oafs!" He made it passed the guys and looked at me.

"You who are you?"

"Emma Johnson"I said uneasily. Am I in trouble? He looked over at Brandon and gave Brandon a look as Brandon confirmed we are related.

"Have you ever played a sport?"Coach asked.

"No"I said grabbing my bag from Brand.

"What do you think about joining the team?"he asked excited. I raised my eyebrows and all the boys were shouting different things.

"Hey you guys suck. She...she's good!"

"Coach this isn't my sport. Also I exercise induced asthma. That was just luck and adrenaline and a little fear. Besides joining an all guys football team isn't really conventional."

"Tyler's gay"The coach said a I looked back at who he was pointing at.

"That doesn't count coach!"Tyler said.

"Look I don't want to join. I'm sorry"I said.

"That sucks...have you considered soccer?"he asked. "I coach that next season"he said.

"Uh...I think I'm good thanks though"I shrugged rubbing the back of my neck and then I went over to the bleachers. The coach blew the whistle.

"What are you all staring at get a move on!"He yelled as all the boys took their places.

"Emma I got all of that on camera"I hear Bailey squeal from behind me. I looked at her and my eyes went wide there was some girls on the bleachers that were watching the boys. Their was about seven girls watching including myself.

"Oh my god you all saw that?"I asked blushing in embarrassment.

"Yeah no need to be embarrassed that was  amazing you're like full of surprises"she said. "I record these stupid practices for my brother to rewatch and improve his mistakes as he likes to say. I think it's stupid but he pays me so whatever."

"What number is Caleb?"I asked.

"12"she rolled her eyes.

"I now know what you mean by he likes to annoy girls I have two classes with him. How come you didn't tell me he was your step brother?"

"Would you tell someone that he's your step brother?"she asked as I giggled.

"I see your point"I stated.

"Whoo Wes you're so hot!" A red head with caked on makeup from the top of the bleachers stated. Another red head, similar to her, pulled her down making her sit. I looked at Bailey and we both giggled.

"Wes is teen royalty"she said.

"Well I think he's a jack-"before I could finish my phone started to ring in my bag. I pulled it out and moms face flashed on the screen.

"Hello?"I asked.

"Hi honey where are you?"she asked.

"Brandon's football practice?"

"Oh okay well when you leave can you meet Phil and I at your aunt Iris'?"she asked.

"Uh...why?"I asked.

"She's making dinner"mom said.

"Sorry mom but Brand and I have plans"I lied.

Okay so I lied because who wouldn't. My great aunt Iris treats us like toddlers. She pinches our cheeks and ruffles our hair her voice is high pitch and she sounds like she's always yelling. Her cooking is HORRIBLE. She wears too much makeup her house smells like cats and bug spray and she wears way to much perfume that smells like moth balls.

"Please don't make me and Phil suffer through this night"mom pleaded.

"Mom I'm sorry but Brand and I are going to a friends for game night and we are going to get pizza and stuff it sounds fun and I'm new and that's just what I need."

"Okay honey I understand. What friend though?"

"Wesley"I answered.

"Oh Wes...he's such a nice boy! He's handsome too"she said suggestively.

"Mom!"I stated.

"What?"she asked sounding innocent.

"Look I gotta go practice is ending and we are heading out to an arcade or something. I gotta go.  Love you bye"I said hanging up.

"I take it you don't like your aunt"Bailey said.

"She's the worst."

"When you said you were going to Wesley's that totally gave it away. On a scale of one to ten how bad is she?"

"The scale breaks with her"I said.

"Wow"Bailey let out a low whistle. The guys started walking back in the building and Bailey and I stood up. I put my bag on and walked down the bleachers with Bailey.

"I knew Wesley and my brother are best friends so mom would believe the lie easy enough"I said.

"Wow you're a quick thinker remind me to text you if I need to make a quick excuse for something"she chuckled. I giggled and bowed slightly. I walked to the parking lot with her talking about hot celebrities.

"Magic Mike...Channing Tatum was beyond perfect in magic Mike"She said.

"Mmm I'm more of a Tom Hardy or Jason Momoa gal."

"Yes oh my gosh. Dwayne Johnson. Like he may be my dads age but he could get it"She said as I burst out laughing. I made it to the car and she walked to her car and waved goodbye. I was trying to fix my back pack strap since one was longer. I heard a whistle and I looked up.  Walking towards me was my brother and Wesley.

"Uh what's Wesley doing?"

"We're going to his house. He's gonna ride with us"Brand said as he unlocked the jeep. Kill me now.

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