Lilly's birthday

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     The rest of the day whispers were heard around the school about us. The next day was pretty much the same. People adjusting to Wesley being taken.  Wednesday was a lot calmer. And although Bailey didn't really like it she shipped as Emsley. Since it is Wednesday which means today is Lilly's Birthday and I couldn't be more excited to see the kids. They were sweet and I had a great time hanging out with them little rascals.
I walked in behind Wes and handed him the wrapped present with the big pink bow on it.  Pink was Lilly's favorite color and I wouldn't doubt it for a second because all of the party decorations were pink...all different shades of pink and it made me dizzy for a second until my eyes adjusted to the bright place.

Wesley went and put the present on the present table. Lilly ran up to me dressed in a light pink tank top she had on a pink tutu and her ballerina shoes to match. She had her hair in a ballerina bun with a big pink bow. I smiled down at her and she smiled back.

"Happy birthday Lilly you look adorable"I stated. 

"Thank you Em"Lilly chirped. She jumped up and clapped her hands together. "Oh I made you something! Stay here I'll be back!"she stated running off.

"Okay"I giggled. Wesley came over to me and held my hand in his giant one.

"My family wants to meet you"Wes said.

"I have to wait here for a bit"I said.


"Lilly told me to stay here for a second"I said.

"Uh-oh"Wes said.

"What?"I asked.

"Here comes trouble"he chuckled but before he could pull me along we were tackled into a hug by three boys. Aj, Harold, and Luke to be exact.

"Hey boys"I giggled embracing them.

"Are you and Wes finally dating?"

"Have you kissed?"

"Is he your prince Em?"

"Do I still have a shot?"Harold asked the last question.

"Boys you're scaring Emma with your ugly faces move over"Lilly said as I chuckled.

She held something up to me and it was a drawing sure it wasn't perfect but it was good for a kid. It was a stick figure with a crown and a dress and another stick figure with a crown and armor. They were holding hands and standing next to each other smiling.

"It's you and Wesley!"she smiled brightly.

"Thanks Lilly"I smiled. "It's beautiful"I added kissing her cheek.

"Thank you"Lilly chirped.

"Guys lets go get some chocolate covered strawberries"Harold said as Lilly, Luke, and Aj all cheered while running off.

"Awe I'm your knight in shining armor"Wes said as I scoffed.

"Oh please I can slay my own dragons"I said looking up into his eyes.

"You don't have to because I can slay them for you"he said smiling. I rolled my eyes and I giggled.

Wesley going against a dragon hmmm...I could imagine him getting burnt into a fried chicken and the dragon eating him whole. That's not nice considering I'm his girlfriend. Wesley leaned down.

"And I will always come to your rescue"he said softly, then he kissed me. Someone cleared their throat and we looked over to see a older looking women.

"Hey Grams"Wesley said hugging her.

"Hello dear"she chirped then pulled away to smile at me. "And who is this lovely young lady?"

"This is my girlfriend Emma Johnson"Wesley said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Really!? A girlfriend!? An actual girlfriend!?"she said hugging me. "Oh dear you are so adorable. He's never brought a girl around. We were beginning to think he was gay or something!"she stated. Did she really just say that? "Please call me Kathy!"she stated.

"Okay uh hi it's nice to meet you as Wesley said my names Emma"I smiled.

"Okay well I'm gonna go the kids are hogging all the strawberries"Kathy laughed walking off.

"Yeah that was my grandma she's kind of different"Wesley laughed as I laughed with him.

"So this must be the infamous girlfriend of Wes"a voice said. I looked up to see a tall brunette boy with grey eyes.

"Yeah Steven got a problem with it?"Wesley asked.

"Yeah actually you've been hanging out with her more"Steve said.

"Got a problem bitch?"Wesley asked.  Steven stepped towards Wesley and they started wrestling.

They went down to the ground trying to pin each other down. A girl with strawberry blonde hair that was put up in a pony tail walked over to me with a hand resting on her baby bump and the other had resting under it.

"Ugh... men"she chuckled. "Hi I'm Heather. Steven's fiancé. Steven is Alec and Wesley older cousin"she said. "They play fight like this all the time"she chuckled.

"I'm Emma"I smiled.

"Wesley's girlfriend so I've heard....Kathy is practically doing cartwheels over this. I think that it's good for Wesley to have a solid relationship I mean after his last one no one thought he'd ever get into a real relationship"she said.

"What do you mean?"I asked just as Wes stood up and walked over to me slinging an arm around my waist. Steve walked up to Heather and kissed her as I intertwined mine and Wesley's fingers.

"See you later bro. Let's go meet more people"Wesley said.

"Okay. Bye it was nice to meet you"I waved as Steven and Heather waved back.

We walked through the house and he introduced me to each of his family members and let's just say his uncle Joe would have to be my favorite he is hilarious and he told me story's about little Alec and Wes.

Let's just say Wes got embarrassed as he pulled me away. All in all it was fun and Lilly had a great birthday. She also loved the present I got her and refused to put it down.  Once we got back to my house Wesley turned me around and kissed me tangling his fingers in my hair as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Goodnight"I said pecking his lips one more time before turning in for the night.

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