Punch Line

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     "Austin what the hell!? Be more careful with her she's fragile"Wes stated.

"I'm not a doll"I said pushing him away from me.

"You're my doll"Wes winked.

"Nah I'm not inflatable"I smiled sweetly as Wes glared at me.

"Um...that's nasty. I'm gonna go find Caleb"Austin said walking away.

"So what do you want?"I asked.

"I have something to show you"he said.

"What Wes?"

"Look"he said turning my head to the bleachers and I saw a brunette with a bruise on her eye.

"Cool...so what?" He was silent. "Ew. I'm not going to get her number for you to fuck her"I stated.

"No! Oh my god. That's Brianna your brothers ex. The egg you threw hit her in the eye and gave her a black eye. She blames the east coast cheerleaders"Wes snickered.

"Okay well is that all because I would really like to go to sleep somewhere"I stated.

"My bed is always open"he smirked as I glared at him.

"Inappropriate"I said scrunching my nose up in disgust.

"Awe come on you know I'm hot"he said nonchalantly.

"I know you're not"I said as Eric, Eddie, and my brother walked up to us.  I could smell the sweat from all of these boys. I wanted to gag but I was to busy talking to Wesley. I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

"Come on even I know I'm hot every time I look in the mirror I get a boner"he joked. Eew! That. Is. Disgusting!

"That's because you're dick thinks you're a pussy too"I stated as all the guys burst out laughing.

   "Ooh and she comes back!"Eddie laughed.

Wes glared at me and I laughed. He pulled me into him to where our faces were a inch apart.

"Do you underestimate me that much?"

"Hmmmm....well you-"

"Princess if I were you I suggest you don't answer that"he said.

"Don't call me princess"I said swatting at him.

"Okay break it up"I heard a familiar voice. Wes let go of me and we all turned to look at Caleb. He was angry and I bit back a laugh as I hid behind Wes.

"Who was it? Hm? Who fucking snuck into my house last night!?"Caleb asked anger lacing his words.

"Happy birthday"Eric stated.

"It's not my birthday Eric!"Caleb stated.

"Dude calm down it was a joke"Brand said.

"You guys are assholes....But it was pretty fucking funny"Caleb's anger began to disappear.
   "Okay guys. Come on we need to go to the locker room before coach has a fit"Austin stated slinging his arm over Caleb and Eric's shoulders. They all walked off and I stayed behind. Suddenly a voice scared me.

"You're brother, Wes, and Alec did it....after they left I couldn't help but snap a picture"Bailey chuckled as I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Jesus Bailey you scared me!"

"Sorry Em but how come you weren't with Wes and you're brother? I thought since Wes was riding with you-"

"Nah they dropped me off"I lied.

"Okay well come on class doesn't start for 20 minutes and the cheerleaders are gonna start coming onto the field for practice"Bailey said and then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hi I'm Brianna have you ever cheered before?"Brianna asked as I turned around and looked at her black eye. I looked down and then backup. Don't stare. I couldn't help but to feel guilty.

"No. I was in gymnastics though"I shrugged. She gasped and clapped.

"Oh my god okay. Yeah good enough. We need another cheerleader our friend quit the team and moved a few days ago could you join?"she asked.

"Uh!? I I'll think about it. I have this asthma problem and...yeah I'll just think about it"I said. What I kinda felt bad that I have her a black eye! I know she cheated on my brother but why should I hate her?

"Thank you so much uh...could you stay here and maybe watch how we do this?"she asked. I shrugged and nodded as Bailey shot me a confused look went and sat on the bleachers.
I heard them do one cheer routine and I watched the moves. "Okay your turn Emma"Brianna said. "You stand in the front and we'll all say the cheers together then do the moves"she stated as I nodded.

"Warriors warriors yes we are! We fight fight fight from near and far! Our teams the greatest our teams the best. We're gonna win so screw the rest. Go warriors! Fight fight fight!" We all said the cheer and did the moves. Brianna said I did great and she'd be in touch. I went over to my bag and I took a puff of my inhaler.

I could feel eyes on me and I turned my head to see Wesley smirking leaning against a tree. I felt even more tired now so I just rolled my eyes at him then walked away with Bailey.

"Wow I can't believe they just asked you to be a cheerleader. How come you said yes? You kinda looked hesitant"she said.

"I don't know. I'm scared with my asthma that's why I had to quit gymnastics"I said. I went to my locker and grabbed the things I needed.

"Okay well I have to go talk to my healthcare teacher about my clinical rounds. I'll see you in first."

"Okay"I nodded as she walked off. I shut my locker turning to see Jared the creep.

"Whoa I come in peace"he said.

"What do you want?"I seethed.

"You dropped this yesterday that's what I tried to tell you when you ran away"he said handing me my bracelet. It must've fell off. I took it from him still glaring.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party tonight?"he smirked getting closer to me. I threw my stuff down in one spot and slammed him up against the locker.

"Listen here! You need to introduce your upper lip to your lower lip and shut up before I knock your teeth out"I said.

"You're cute when you're mad!"he chuckled.

"Well I'm about to be gorgeous in a minute"I gritted my teeth.

"Mmm now we're getting somewhere"he said.

"You need to learn to take a hint"I said slamming him to the floor and punching him in the face.

He punched me but got my lip. I felt a metallic taste in my mouth and it made me even more angry. I pulled him up by his shirt them slammed him up against some lockers punching him again.

"Emma stop!"A distant voice yelled.

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