Me, myself, and my little peanut

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Once I got home I went to my bedroom and changed into comfy clothes. I turned off the lights and turned my fan on. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Why did that girl say that to me? Is Wes only using me? No! It doesn't matter. We're not even dating he's just my brothers best friend. I don't care about love. I don't even deserve it. Ugh. Stupid.

      "Emma?"Philip asked. "Hey Emma are you here?"

   "Yeah"I said barely audible. He heard me though.

  "Is it okay if I come in?"

  "Yeah."  He walked in holding something in his coat.

   "What is that?

   "A present. Now I'm not trying to buy your love or anything. This is to help. I read that animals help with depression and can ease loneliness. They even encourage exercise and improve your health."

   He pulled held out a puppy sitting it on my bed.

    "A dog?"I asked he put down a little yorkie. I gasped and picked it up. "Hi!"I said to it as it barked in response.

"It's adorable!"

"You're mother and I made the decision and It's yours. You can name it whatever you like"he smiled.

"Thanks Philip!"I said.

    "I figured you'd like a friend. It's a girl."he said.

"Thanks Philip I love it!"I exclaimed. "I'm gonna name her....Peanut!"I exclaimed.

   "Peanut?"Philip chuckled.

   "Yeah because the name is adorable!"I giggled as she licked my cheek. "Also here"I said handing him back the keys.

  "Thanks"He said. Then he went to walk out.



    "Uh...I ran into David Walker and he asked if I was attending a charity ball?"

"Oh yes Thursday I've been meaning to tell you. I'm sorry I've been a bit scatter brained"he started. "So there is a charity ball Thursday and the older kids are all invited I'd like you to be there with a date...well a date is required.  I'm not saying that you have to get a boyfriend just a friend maybe"Philip shrugged.

    Great. Add that to my list of problems. Mom came in and smiled.

  "But I don't know if I can fine someone on such short notice"I said worried.

"Darling don't worry I've already planned out a companion for Emma"Mom said coming up to Philip and I.

"Wonderful!"Philip nodded.

"What!? Who!?"I asked.

   "Wesley Walker your brothers friend his mom thought it'd be a great idea"mom chirped.

   God damnit. Ugggghh. I know what you're thinking. Just say no. But when it comes to mom no isn't in my vocabulary. I'll just have to suck it up and suffer. Well maybe I can find a way out of this without straight up telling mom no.

    "Mom isn't that against some like guy code for sister to hang out with brothers friends?"I asked as mom sent me a daring smirk.

"You've came home twice wearing Wesley's hoodies and you've been hanging out with him don't think we haven't noticed"mom said.

"Mom I can 100% tell you Wesley Walker is a arrogant as-"

     Before I could finish what I was saying mom gave me her ice cold death glare. If there is one thing mom hates its swearing. Not once in my life have I heard my mother say one colorful word. It's odd because my brother and I swear like its a religion.

    "Ape who needs to-"

   "I'm home fu-"

"Brandon don't you dare finish that sentence"Mom yelled.

"Fun people!" My brother yelled up the stairs. I began to pet Peanut as she curled up in my lap.

"Okay Philip and I are going to the store do you need anything?"

    "Condoms"I said with a poker face looking at my mom. She raised a eyebrow and looked at me in question.

"For who?"

"Brand. I heard some weird noises last night. They travelled from Brands room all the way down the hall. I don't want any nieces or nephews yet"I said.

    Mom face palmed and left the room as Philip chuckled and left. Brand walked in and sat next to me with a icy glare.

"Hey"I smiled innocently.

"We have a lot to discuss"he said firmly.

"I'm 2% ears and 98% sarcasm"I said. Brand rolled his eyes but talked anyways.

"Are you and Wes a thing?"

"Totally btw you're gonna be a uncle because....Wes is pregnant with my baby"I said.

"Deadass? Oh...wait. Funny...not. Seriously Emma"Brand warned .

"Okay fine. No Wesley and I are not a thing I was just helping him watch his cousins nothing more. I wanted to try and get along with your friends. Besides Wes is a manwhore and he doesn't care about girls' feelings. I have standards Wes and I are never gonna happen...we're just different." 

       I shrugged not really knowing what to say. The girl from the store had a point Wes was a player and I hate to sound cliché and say it but once a player, always a player. I know it's stupid but maybe it's best if I keep Wes out of my life as of today. The only problem is my mother decided to practically volunteer me as Wesley's companion.

"No talk. What's your secret?"he asked.

"What secret?"I asked. I know the day after the party when I came home I wasn't going to get off as easily as I thought.

"The morning you came home wearing Wesley's jacket...what happened the night before?"

"Okay for one I'm a virgin-"

"Ah! Sis tmi!"

   "What? I was just saying. Anyways uh...I kinda went to one of Austin Lane's parties with Wes...I ended up kissing Alec and Wes got mad and I was drunk and Wesley put me in the car and I fell asleep and he took me to his house and put his hoodie on me then laid me down"I said in a rush.

"God damn it I told him not to ask you to that party"Brand hissed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Now how come you got a new car?"

"Philip just let me borrow it for the day because you took the car. I really needed to make it to auditions"I said bluntly.

"Okay next where did that come from?"he asked pointing to Peanut.

"Philip got her for me I named her Peanut"I said. "Now stop asking me questions. We've talked more in the past three minutes then we did growing up. It's giving me a headache."   I laid back and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay last one are you going to the bonfire tonight?"

"No I'm just gonna stay home with me myself and my little Peanut"I said picking Peanut up and hugging her.

"Okay well see you tomorrow then"he shrugged walking off.

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