Confessions *Bonus*

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*Bailey's p.o.v*
I sighed as I poured a glass of water. "Stupid jocks, calling me stupid names, my name is Bailey, not Bethany or Britney or Brenda it's Bailey rhymes with Hailey and Kaylee but it's Bailey!"I said angrily to myself. I went to take a drink to calm down.

"You're gonna go crazy if you keep talking to yourself"A voice stated as I gasped and spilled the water all over myself. I groaned and turned around.

"Creepy much!?"I said looking at Brandon. EM I hate your idiot brother! Even though he's cute he's a freaking moron! I wish you could hear me right now!

I looked at Brand confused when his cheeks were tinted light red. He coughed and pointed to my shirt then scratched the back of his neck. I looked down in embarrassment. Oh my god! I was wearing a white t-shirt and since my water got on it you can see my pink bra. I squealed and ran upstairs and changed quickly then went back downstairs. Dear god that was embarrassing.

  "Hey Austin just texted me we are on duty of getting the food and stuff tonight for the bonfire"Brand announces as I blushed and looked down.

  "Okay"I said quietly as he laughed and walked away. I stuck my middle fingers up at him and muttered a few curse words under my breath.

  "Stop messing around and come on we are going to the store"Brand said loudly as I grabbed my shoes and followed behind him.
"We need those ones."

"Brand they're on the top shelf you and I can't reach them?"

"No but as team we can. Now get on my shoulders."


"Bailey just do it quit being a brat"He sighed.

"Quit being a brat"I mimicked him in a annoyed voice as I climbed his shoulders.

"If you drop me I'm haunting your ass and killing you in your sleep slowly and painfully."

"Don't tease"He said as I lightly smacked his head.

"Shut your whore mouth Johnson."

"Shut your whore mouth Johnson"He mimicked me in a girly voice as I laughed.

"Stop"I said grabbing the chips.

"Bailey Hi!"I heard Em's voice. I looked across to see her.  When did she get so tall?

"Hey Em!"I said.

"When did you get so tall?"She asked curiously. Oh shit. Red alert red alert! WEE WOO, WEE WOO, WEE WOO!

"Eh I have a little help"I chuckled nervously.

"How bout you?"I asked curiously.


"Hey Bailey did you get them yet I wanna go get ice cream"Brand spoke up as I mentally cursed at him. I looked at Em as she looked down and then she walked away. Oh no. She showed up on Wes' shoulders and I was still on Brands.

"Brandon?"She asked.

"Wes?"I asked.

"Emma?"Brandon asked.

"Bailey?"Wes chuckled. At least he got my name right...whelp this is awkward.

"What are you two doing here?"Wes asked.

"What are you two doing here?"Brandon asked.

"Getting food for the kids"Em said as I raised my eyebrows. Kids? Hmmm.

"You guys have kids?"Brandon asked.

"No I'm helping Wesley babysit"Em said in a frustrated tone a Wes put her down next to him.

"What are you doing here together?"She raised a eyebrow at me and Brand. Brandon carefully put me down.

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