Mondays suck booty juice

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I woke up to the annoying alarm. Every bone in my body wanted to turn it off, cry, and go back to bed. I sat up and ruffled my hair letting out a sigh. I hit my alarm silencing it.

I stood up and Peanut ran up to me letting out a bark. I grabbed my clothes for today and took them to the bathroom. I took a quick shower then got out and started my daily routine.

I put on a pair of skinny jeans with a grey sweatshirt and grey vans.  I curled my hair then I brushed my teeth.  I put on mascara and some Chapstick. I grabbed my book bag and phone then picked Peanut up. I walked downstairs to spot Frank.

"Hi Frankie!"I stated as he looked at me. "Can you watch Peanut while I'm at school please? She needs to go potty."

"Oh. Of course"He said. I handed peanut to him and he went to the back door to take her outside. I went to the kitchen and Hilly handed me my pills.

"You missed them yesterday"She said pointedly.

"I know. I can feel it."

I took them with water and then Hilly handed me some homemade French toast sticks with powdered sugar and syrup with strawberries on the side. I ate them happily as drank my orange juice.

"Okay I going to hell"I stated standing up.

"Oh come on it can't be too bad"She said. Her thick Irish accent being accentuated.

"Oh but it is"I said as she handed my my lunch and I put it in my bag. "You know I think hell would be a nicer place then school"I said. "-and that's putting it lightly"I stated as Hilly chuckled.

"Okay dearie see you after school"she said as I nodded and walked out.
I walked to my locker and got everything I needed. I shut my locker and turned coming face to face with Wesley. "You weren't at the bon fire last night"he said.

"I wasn't? I did not know that"I said sarcastically.

My life would be a whole lot easier if I wasn't intelligent enough to know how fucking dumb some people actually are.

"You're extra sarcastic today"he stated. "...well you're always sarcastic..."he trailed off.

"Wes I'm not always sarcastic because sometimes I'm sleeping"I stated.

"What's your problem today?"Wesley asked.

"I don't have a problem Wes. You have a problem"I said walking off, but of course Wesley just had to follow.

"Emma. What did I do? I thought we were good. Emma talk to me!"he demanded.

"What are you gonna do, pester me if I don't talk to you?"

"Emma why are you being a bitch?"

"Bitch? Don't call me a bitch, bitch. We're two different people Wesley...we shouldn't be friends. You're just my brothers best friend nothing more. You're not my friend or my acquaintance. You're nothing to me Wes and that's all I should be to you. Deuces"I stated leaving him speechless as I walked to my first class.

All day I'm gonna have to ignore Wesley. Maybe he'll ignore me back. I just have to keep pushing Wesley away. I don't want to get hurt.

Before I reached my class I bumped into somebody. I looked up and there was Brandon giving me a lop sided smile.

"Hey Brand"I hugged him.

"Sis what's wrong?"

"I just have been thinking about stuff it's stupid I guess it's just getting me down in the dumps"I shrugged.

"Well I don't really know what to say but...don't feel sad people love you and are here for you. I'm gonna go find the guys"Brandon said lightly punching my shoulder with an awkward smile then pointing at me with finger guns even more awkwardly. He left and  I groaned then walked to first hour.
Hey can you please shut up! I thought to myself at my annoying Advanced comp teacher. So far in all my classes Wesley has stared at me I could literally feel him burning a hole into my cranium. Avoiding Wes was easy all I had to do was act like I was avoiding the plague. Sure he tried to talk to me but I gave him the cold shoulder. It really doesn't help that I have every flipping class with Wesley-freaking-Walker.

I sighed as the bell rang  land I quickly grabbed my stuff then exited the class room knowing Wes was gonna try to get me at free period. 80 fucking minutes is too long to be stuck in a class. All I have to say today is...

Monday's suck booty juice~ Sincerely yours, Emma Johnson

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