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     "Hi mom"I said. She hugged me and sighed.

"Honey you had me worried sick"She cried.

"I'm okay mom. Just a lot had been going on"I admitted. Mom started crying on my shoulder and Wes and Alec excused themselves and left. "Mom please stop crying I'm kind of uncomfortable"I said.

"I didn't know what was happening. The doctors didn't talk to us for a while! Your brother said you just suddenly passed out!"She sobbed. Philip walked in and looked at us.

I gave him a pleading look to have him get her off of me. I'm not good with handling a crying mother. I've haven't really been a family person in a long long time but moms making it her goal to stitch us back together before I graduate. Philip pried mom off and wrapped his arms around her. The doctor walked in and looked at us.

"So you can sign her out but you young lady need to eat properly and get some rest"The doctor scolded.
The next day I stayed at home and rested instead of going to school. I didn't want to face anyone so I locked myself in my room.

All I could do was lay there as everything piled up around me. Literally. My room was a pigsty. I just didn't have the energy to want to do anything.

It was 7 pm when a knock came at my door.

I had on pajamas and had a messy bun. I didn't want to answer the door. To be honest I wouldn't really mind going back to sleep.

The knocking continued and I groaned. I opened the door and let out a yawn. I came face to face with Wesley. I quickly hid my room with my door.

"What do you want?"I asked.

"I'm going to a party tonight do you wanna come?"

"No thanks not that type of girl"I said. Actually I've never been invited to a party.

"Come on Em I will literally drag you out of your room the way you are"he said.

"Ha funny. You wouldn't"I rolled my eyes at his bluff.

"Oh really?"he asked. He quickly grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder and started walking towards the stairs.

"Wait wait! Okay Wes I'll get ready"I squealed as he put me on my feet facing him.

"Good"he smirked down at me.

"Whatever"I rolled my eyes walking away.
"Damn"Wes said as I came downstairs and flipped him off.

"Come on"I said. I got in Wes' car and we started our journey. The drive was about thirty minutes. We stopped at a building. He got out and I cautiously followed thinking this is where he's going to actually kill me. 

He opened the building doors ad I heard loud music but it was muffled the building was shaking and I could smell alcohol already. I looked at Wes and he smiled.

"Austin's party"he said. We walked and came to a set double doors.

He opened the doors and I walked in. It was a staircase that led to a huge party. I was amazed as I made my way down the big staircase. I got lost from Wes but ignored it because I was intrigued. I heard someone squeal from behind me and I turned around to see Bailey.

"Hi!"I yelled over the music.

"Drink?"she asked loudly.

"I don't know with my medic-"

"Listen you're at a party have FUN and forget about reality"she said. I bit my lip and nodded as she led me to a alcohol infested table.

She handed me a drink and I bit my lip staring at it. I looked to my left and far away I saw Wesley  snogging some girls face. I looked at the drink then downed it and smiled. I grabbed another and downed it to. They tasted like strawberry.

"This is the best!"Bailey yelled handing me another. I nodded and drank it it burned on the way down and I coughed.

"Fireball?"I asked as she nodded. I took another one and downed it until I felt funny.

I felt my eyes go wide when I saw a light up hoola-hoop. I walked towards it and then grabbed it and started dancing while hoola-hooping I felt freaking amazing everything just seemed a blur.

I was lost in the music and fun. I barely noticed as people gathered around me as I danced. Everyone cheered as I threw the hoop in the air and it came down on me and I kept dancing while it went in circles on my hips.

After I was done I went back over to the alcohol table and downed some tequila. Okay maybe not my favorite back to the strawberry shots. I went over to Bailey and she gasped pointing at me as she kept saying something like I know you I just laughed and she clapped.

"Emma I do know you!"she stated triumphantly.

"Hahaha Bailey come on!" A cherry red headed girl said coming up to us and pulling Bailey into the crowd. I too made my way into the dancing crowd. I started to dance with some random hot guy. I felt a hand grab my arm and I turned around to see some dude who I couldn't remember. He looked angry. Alec! Alec always looks angry.

"Alec!"I yelled hugging him and jumping up in his arms as he caught me. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he looked the same as usual.

"Get off"he mumbled.

"No! You P-A-R-T-Y pooper"I giggled.

"Do you even know what you spelled?"Alec asked.

"Yeeaaah I spelleed P-A-R-T-Y"I stated. "Dance with me!"I demanded.

"I don't dance"he rolled his eyes carrying me somewhere. "Stay here I'm gonna get you some water. W-A-T-E-R." He sat me down on a couch and left. I stood up and turned around to look at the couch and I got confused. There's a couch just randomly in a corner and its pink with purple polka dots? What a odd couch.

I shrugged and turned around coming face to face with Jared. I gasped and my brain was to clouded to think anything. I'm to drunk to even remember him that much I remember he gave me my ankle bracelet back though...awe that was nice of him...I should say hi.

"H-"before I could even get the i out Alec came and punched jared in the face. I gasped as Jared instantly fell to the ground unconscious.

"DAMN!"I yelled.

"He's fine"Alec stated throwing me over his shoulder.

"Ah I'm flying!"I laughed. "Backwards!"I exclaimed.

"Shut up"Alec laughed.  Did he really just laugh!? I made Alec laugh!

"Alec are you attracted to me?"I asked. I was instantly put on the ground facing Alec who was staring at me intently.

"What is up with you being do nosy?! Jesus Christ Emma!"He snarled.

"Mmm kisses!"I said nearly  falling over.

  "What?"Alec asked. I steadied myself and crashed my lips into his.

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