Jerks and Pools

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           I climbed into the back of the jeep and I could tell Wesley was enjoying the view. I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"It's called eye contact Wesley not ass contact"I stated.

"I have no idea what you're talking about"Wes said innocently as he hopped in the jeep.

"Are we just dropping him off?"I asked.

"No we're gonna chill at his place. You can hang with his mom if you want"Brandon said.

"Great just how I wanted to spend my night"I said.

Well it sounded better than hanging with my brother and his best friend. I understood why he didn't take me home first. Gas isn't cheap and running back an fourth will take money out of his pocket since he gets the car today. 

"You don't have to hang out with her for long. We have plans"Brand said. I felt a lump of fear settle in the pit of my stomach. I know my brother and I haven't really talked that much like normal siblings but he wouldn't kill me would he? Right?

"You're not planning on killing me are you?"I asked giggling to make it sound like a joke.

"No we aren't going to kill least not tonight"Wesley said.

"Haha funny"I said in a nervous tone followed by the boys laughing loudly. I put on a poker face and crossed my arms.

"I hate both of you"I seethed. That only made the guys laugh harder. I rolled my eyes then we stopped at a house. I looked out of the window and stared at the house in awe. It looked so cute and I couldn't help but to love it. Eew I loved Wes' house. No. I loved the look of Wes' house. We got out of the jeep and since the jeep is higher up...I fell out...again. Instead of hitting the hard ground something warm caught me. I was in some guys arms. He glared at me and put my down.

"Uh S-sorry"I stuttered. He just pulled out his phone. He had a permanent scowl etched into his features. He started playing on his phone and I glared at him. Wow a small head nod would have sufficed. Where did he even come from?

"Alec sup bro"Brand said doing some sort of guy handshake with him. Cliche. So his name was Alec? Typical jerk name. I looked at him as he shot a glare my way. What's his problem.

"Don't worry that's just his face"Wesley whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. Okay buddy a little too close for comfort. Back off Isis. Back the fudge off.

"I-ugh...I thought I did something wrong. Did I hurt him when he caught me?"I asked. Wesley raised a eyebrow and I quickly recomposed myself. "Ugh...because I would've been totally fine with falling on the ground. The jerk didn't have to catch me"I scoffed as Wesley nodded.

"Okay what ever you think"Wes said as I rolled my eyes.

"So Alec how come I didn't see you at school?"I asked trying to make a conversation with him as we walked over to the house.

"I don't go to school with you"he said lowly.

"Oh"was all I said.

"Uh...what do you do?"

"You're a curious little blonde aren't you?"he said in a cold tone.

Does he have something against blondes? My brothers blonde and he seems to be fine with my brother...maybe he just has something against girls...maybe he's gay.

I shrugged the idea off and he stopped in his tracks along with my brother and Wes.

"What did you just say?!"

"What? All I said was what's your last name?"I said confused.

"After that!"he stated inching closer to me as I gasped backing up and falling straight into the pool. The cold water made every inch of my skin crawl with goosebumps.

It was a shallow pool so I stood up making my way to the surface gasping for air. I could've hit my head on the bottom! I could've had my phone on me! Thank god it's dead in the car. The guys were all laughing and I glared at them making my way out of the small pool. I went over to the boys and slung my hair to the sides. Water got all over them and I laughed.  Take that jerks!

I was freezing and followed the guys into the house. They were still laughing and an older women in her mid 30's walked up. She looked at the boys in wonder then her eyes landed on me.

"Oh dear are you okay what happened?!"she gasped in shock like a mother would do. Paybacks a bitch Walker.

"I was just walking and Wesley thought it'd be funny to push me into your pool"I stated as Wesley quit laughing.

"No I-"

"Wesley James Walker!"she shrieked.

"Mom I-"

"Go to your room while I get her cleaned up"she stated as he groaned and walked away with the boys who were laughing well Brandon was. Alec didn't even crack a smile. Not even when I fell into the pool...I guess I said the gay thing out loud.

The women pulled me into a room and wrapped  a towel around me. "Stay here dear"she said. She came back with a pair of grey sweats and a blue v neck T-shirt.

"These are from when my niece came over you're about the same size as her"she stated "They're clean. The length should be fine. She is probably a little taller then you. But she's skinny like you"she said.

She left the room and I got dressed. The clothes fit perfectly. The T-shirt was a little snug but it was comfy. I put my hair in a pony tail. I walked out and Wesley's mom took the towel and wet clothes out of my hands.

"I'll take these for you. I'm Wes' mom by the way if you haven't figured that can call me Linda though"she smiled.

"Hi I'm Brandon's younger sister you can call me Emma or Em"I smiled shaking her hand.

"Well what a lovely name I didn't know Brandon had a sister"she stated.

"You wouldn't be the first"I giggled.

"Well how about a little girl talk I don't have any girls so a little girl time would be nice. How about I make some hot cocoa?"she chuckled.

"That would be great"I smiled.

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