The Charity Ball

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     Today was Thursday and school went pretty normal today. It definitely went by quicker than I thought it would. I had to go pick my dress up from the boutique. Mom and I had previously went dress shopping but I had to get it altered to fit me. When I saw it I was instantly in love with it. Mom smiled and nodded for me to try it on.

I walked out of the dressing room and mom cupped her mouth. "Oh. My. God. That is beautiful Em"she smiled.

"That is really lovely on you"Cecelia the lady who altered it smiled. "We have matching heels to go with it"she said.

"Okay"I smiled. She left and then mom looked at me.

"It's really beautiful Wesley will love it. Or are you still mad at him for no reason?"she asked.

"Uh...haha well about that we are kind of sort of together"I shrugged.

"Like together together?"

"Yup"I said.

"That's wonderful!"mom chirped as the lady came back with a beautiful pair of sparkly golden heels.

"Sure they won't be seen but if you pick the dress up a little you can see them"Cecelia smiled.
After getting dressed in my new dress and shoes I straightened my hair then did my makeup. I grabbed my golden clutch and headed downstairs.

"Took you long en-" Before Wesley could finish he looked up and his eyes traveled up and down my body. "Whoa You look amazing"Wes said.

"Thanks"I said.

"You look amazing"he repeated again.

"You said that already." My brother said patting Wesley's back twice then walking out.

"Well looky here, Wesley in a suit how odd yet dashing"I stated.

"Yeah yeah whatever come on"he laughed pulling me with him. He spun me around and I laughed.

"Wes we are not even at the ball yet"I said.

"So it doesn't matter if we are at the ball or not I'll dance with my beautiful princess whenever and wherever besides we have thirty minutes!"he stated.

"Don't call me a princess"I pouted.

"Alexa play the way you look tonight by Tony Bennett"Wesley said. The song began to play and Wesley grabbed me. He spun me around again and danced with me.

At the end of the dance our eyes locked and we kissed. I smiled when we pulled away for air.    

"Awe"I heard mom say.

"Ew mom go away"I said blushing.

"Well come on might as well head out a bit early"mom stated.
At the party Mom and Phil introduced me to a lot of people. We were just talking to the Mayor when I felt a hand on my back and smelt the familiar scent of Wesley.

"Ah Wesley Walker how nice to see you"The Mayor said shaking his hand.

"It's nice to see you again too Mayor Charleston"Wesley smiled.

"Are you two together?" The Mayor asked.

"Yes sir. Emma is my girlfriend"Wesley smiled proudly as I blushed. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Wesley calling me his girlfriend sent chills all over me.

"What a lovely couple." Mayor Charleston's wife smiled. Mom and Philip agreed and Wesley chuckled.

"I'm afraid I have to borrow my girlfriend from you I owe her a dance"Wesley said.

"Alrighty then you two have fun!" Mayor Charleston nodded dismissing us. I don't think I'll ever get used to being around the elites.

"Haven't we danced enough? We danced at the house remember?"I giggled. The piano player switched keys and began playing Unchained Melody.

"Yes but, like I said I will dance with my princess whenever and-"

"Wherever you want. You really have to stop with this princess stuff"I stated as he pulled my to the dance floor and spun me around.

"Your dress is beautiful it lights up the room just like your smile"he said as I laughed.

"Look at you trying to flatter me"I said pinching his cheek .

"Yeah well I wasn't lying"he shrugged as we waltzed across the dance floor.

"I never implied that you were"I giggled.

"Well I'm just stating"he said pecking my lips.

"Well so am I"I challenged him smirking.

"Don't test me"he warned playfully.

"What are you gonna do about it Mr. Walker?"

"Mmm...maybe I'll tickle you Ms. Johnson"Wesley said.

"That's not very formal of you"I said.

"Who ever said it would be here?"he asked his voice going down a few octaves if possible from how deep it already is. I tensed up and my eyes went wide. I hit his chest playfully.

"You're disgusting"I stated scrunching my nose up as he chuckled lightly.

He cupped my hands in his and rested his forehead against mine. He closed his eyes and I closed mine.

"You know what Wesley Walker? You're not so bad"I said.

"Emma Johnson"he said. "You better be my forever." I felt him close what little space was between us and his warm minty breath tickled my lips. He kissed me softly and I smiled.

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