ONE : Sticky Hands and Girl Bands

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I didn't know what time it was, but I knew that it was way too early in the morning for me to be awake.

Hardly getting any sleep last night, I blamed it on the fact that my hand (and ear) were practically glued to my phone for the better part of the evening talking. Talking to him. I told him that I needed to sleep but I was stuck on the phone with him.

"Hahaha, fine then, Sticky Hands, go to sleep. The good Lord knows you need your beauty rest." He said, in an attempt of humor.

I scoffed, " Psh, if I'm Sticky Hands, then you're, yo~ yo~ou ooohaaaaaghh~!" unable to contain the sleepiness.

He laughed, "Can't even stifle a yawn! No seriously, go to bed, little one. We'll talk soon. Goodniiiiight!"

That was only 4 hours ago. I had long since given up going back to sleep because the more I tried, the less I felt sleepy.

"Aaaargh..." growling as I brought my somewhat atrophied, sleep deprived muscles back to life. With my eyes still closed, I searched under the pillows for my phone, after a few seconds of shuffling the sheets around, my hand finally clamped around the familiar shape of my iPhone6 and I pulled it out from under the mountain of hotel room pillows I had since collected from touring around the country with my sisters.

I opened my eyes to check the time, and the harsh light hit me as if I had accidentally opened a lightsaber into them. Not that I watched Star Wars, gosh, I need to stop hanging out with my little brothers for a while.

"Oh gosh! what the heck! Owww, my eyeeeees!" I yelled, as I rubbed the pain away.

Only mildly irritated with how the day was starting so far, I shifted towards the table next to my queen sized bed and took out a bottle of fish food. At least Cliff is getting a good day's start, I said to myself as I fed him three tiny little balls of fish chow which he gobbled up immediately.

Replacing the cap on the bottle, I contemplated whether to crawl back into bed as a final try to go back to sleep, and as I was slowly moving towards the bed, a thundering voice echoed through the walls of my room.


That was definitely Christina. My eldest sister and band leader of Cimorelli, my band, my sisters' band, our band.

Oh well, sleep is for the weak, get up Dani, you can freaking do this.

And I still didn't know what time it was.


first chapter yay! i DO have an outline for this story, it's a bit different than the other fics of this subject line so in the hopes that someone is actually reading this, welcome! and i hope you enjoy.
i will do my best to update every single day. if I don't, feel free to call me out on it and give me a load of crap for it.

love from,

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