NINE : Jetlag, Mystery and Miss Bee

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yow, sorry for the late update, we lost power for a whole day yesterday, it was terrible, waaaah 😰. nothing but a humidity, bugs, bugs and more bugs for me with no access to any and all technology. #cry #dying

comes with living on a literal island by the beach, i guess.

anyhoo, power is back on now so here you go :)


I was ready to crash and pass out as soon as we disembarked the plane. It was all a blur of bags and customs and being herded into a big white van parked in a secluded area within the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Our driver, who I learned whose name was Emilio, smiled at us and helped with our mountainous amount of luggage.

It would've been alright-ish if it wasn't so freaking hot. I didn't want to sound like a diva or anything, but the thirty seconds I spent outside walking from the customs line to the van was a literal sprint through Satan's butt.

We were all good now though, everyone was settled, and by everyone, I meant the girls and I. The boys got to ride in the limo. THE LIMO. What even is my life.

"Hello again, Manila..." I said in a sleepy yet excited whisper. Looking out through the tinted windows and seeing the random people walking, some vendors with these boxes full of different types of food, I had no idea what they were, right next to plastic bags of brightly wrapped candy and eww, packs of cigarettes being sold by the stick.

"Ooh! look at those weird speckled egg things!" Amy said, pointing at yet another vendor, "What even are those?"

I scooted to her side of the van to see, they were tiny egg shaped, well, eggs with brownish black speckles on them and on the bottom of the plastic bag was some white powder that kinda looked like salt.

"Whoa, what ARE those?" I asked,

"Those are quail eggs," someone answered from the front. It was Emilio. "Very tasty. But high in cholesterol, not good."

"Gag, eggs." Christina reacted, but looking nonetheless.

"You stop, Christina! Eggs are awesome." Kath rebutted.

I laughed, "So are they cooked? how do you eat them?"

Emilio first signaled and then made a left turn through some pretty tall buildings before answering, "They are boiled, you eat them with salt or mixed in with Chopsuey."

"Chop-- whaa?"

"Chopsuey, a vegetable dish." he said, somewhat distracted, as the roads of Manila were hard to navigate.

"Girls, let Emilio drive, stop distracting him." Mom told us. I settled back down on my seat and then I saw Kath pull out her phone and typed 'chopsuey' in her search bar

haha. probably gonna keep that for her recipe collection..

The jetlag was hitting me hard, but I tried not to fall asleep so I could start acclimating to the timezone. I looked around and saw Christina up front on her phone. Probably talking to Nick. Kath was still searching for the elusive Chopsuey... How are they getting wifi?
Only then noticing the sign on the dashboard saying:

wifi password : BB7777

ah. there you go.

Lauren was completely passed out and Kath and Dani were on Snapchat.

"Hey guys! So as you can see my sisters and I are in a van, say hi Lisa!" Kath said, pointing her phone at me. I waved, but then Dani hijacked Kath's hand and in her loudest voice ever, screamed "HIIIIIIII HELLOOOOOOOO I'M DISGUSTING POINT THE PHONE AWAY. AASFFGGKHHLJLRGH!"

Kath laughed, "Oh gosh, hahaha! I guess someone needs their beauty sleep. I think we all do.. how bout you Ames?" said asked, now talking to Amy averting her gaze from the window and wordlessly gave a thumbs up sign.

"Tell 'em where we are, Kath." I said, popping a piece of gum in my mouth.

" Lisa says to tell you guys where we are.. weeeeeeeeell, we are iiiiin..." Katherine dragged it out until the snap was finished.

"Hahaha!" why are you torturing them?" I asked, she just chuckled and went back to Snapping.

"We are in the Philippines! So if any of the filipino CimFam is on here, tweet us on @cimorelliband."

I interjected, and Kath puts us both in frame, "Yeah, we are in the Philippines, we're in Manila, BUT, we don't know where we're going. Soooo weird, hahaha!"

Then Amy said, "hashtag sketchy."

"Staahp, you guys, this is an ADVENTURE." Kath said just as the snap finished.

"Have you not told them where we are going, madam?" I hear Emilio ask my mom and mom just nodded. Emilio then said, "Oh, they will have some fun... Miss Bee is very much like them, she prepared her whole house for you and your family whole day yesterday. and the girls are very excited to meet your daughters." he finished.

I looked at Kath who was eavesdropping as well. And Dani's eyes grew about three times its normal size.

We both had an excited look on our face. I moved in and whispered to Kath, "Miss Bee? And we're gonna stay in her house?"

"You guys," Dani said in hushed tones "I was hanging out with Rey and Anthony last night and I heard them talk to a girl's voice on the radio thingy. Sounded like their boss or whatever. "

"Could she be Bee?" I asked, Kath just shrugged. This was turning into a very interesting and mysterious trip.

"You guys, look! There's a dude selling cups of pink slush with chocolate syrup and sprinkles from a cooler over there!" I looked and saw Amy on her knees, her face plastered to the window.

oh Amy.



who is Bee? why are they halfway across the planet in a tropical country? oooooooh.


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