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"Ahh! oh em gee!" I tripped over my phone charger as I was trying to grab it from the socket.

"Geez, Amy...can you get any clumsier? you're worse than Dani!"
That was Lisa, my youngest older sister and also my roommate. "Are you really still eating that banana from two hours ago?" I asked, as she munched away.


Being the lady that she was, she answered with the LOUDEST burp on the face of the planet. Any trucker would shed a tear of pride.

"LISAA. Stooop! That was so scary!"

"Hahahaha! Bask in the glory of my banana scented, expelled stomach gases!"


Oh, I should've mentioned that ever since mom's announcement, us four girls nipped back home for a bit of a lie in because despite Christina's protests, it was STILL way too early to do be doing anything.

I scoffed at Lisa who was lying down on my bed with her cat Charles and his little cat butt sitting right smack dab on my pillow. "Hey! I put my head on that, seriously get him off.." I said, throwing a scarf at Lisa's head for good measure knocking what was left of the banana onto the floor.

"Ow! there, he's off. Don't go diva on me now, I don't think you can handle it.." she said to me, laughing.


"Yeah Amy, sure you can." she replied, while rolling her eyes and giving me a playful smile.

I put my chin up and did my best impression of Mariah Carey... for about two seconds before I bent over laughing.

"Hahahaha! Omg, I can't!" I said.

Lisa laughed, "I told you, you couldn't handle it, you dork!"


this is a short one.. just positioning everyone for the next parts of the story. it's a cute interaction between Lisa and Amy tho. ;)


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