TWENTY : Starry Skies and Pretty Lights

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The next two days went by like Dorothy's house in a tornado. Our second concert night was as cool as the first, a complete success with laughs tears and a much awaited reunion with our Filipino CimFam, or as Dani so affectionately calls them, her Baesians. Hahaha.

It was so nice to see so many familiar faces in the crowd as well as new ones! There was even a little boy there who cried when he saw Christina, and he said that he loved her so much! I remember asking him,

"What about me? Don't you love me too?"

He said, in between sobs, "Yeah, but Stina is my favorite!"

I also remember Christina's smug face. Pssh.

We decided to put off doing much and stay in for at least three days to recuperate. Today was the second day of just chillaxing.

It was a little past three in the afternoon and I was happily reading a book when a HUGE rat named Lauren interrupted.

"Lisa, are you ever gonna get out of bed?" she asked, peaking into my loft from her bunk bellow.

"Lemme think about it." I said jokingly, but remaining under my comfy duvet in this blissful seventy degree airconditioned environment.

"Come on, get up! Everyone is gonna go paddle boarding and have a picnic..." She said, pulling at my sheets.

"Ihhhhh," I said, pulling back. "Wait, paddle boarding? Where?" I asked, imagining a nightmarish million hour journey.

"We are in five acres of land, there is a man-made lake on the property." She said, as if it was totally normal to have a man-made lake in your backyard.

"Whoa, seriously?" I said, propping myself up on my elbows.

"Yaaaas, so come on!" She yelled, jumping down and running out the door. Cunningly turning off the AC.

Okay, I told myself, get up Lisa.

It took me about thirty minutes to finally get ready. I was wearing some black basketball shorts and a white tank top over my leopard print bathing suit. I took a towel and a tube of sunscreen, while slipping into my flip flops.

I made my way past the kitchen and out to the garden beyond the pool where I saw everybody loading up the ATVs with their stuff. In all fairness, today was the perfect day for a picnic; clear blue sky, not too sunny and a gentle waft of cool air steadily coming in.

"AND THE TROLL ABANDONS ITS CAVE!" Dani exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air as she spotted me.

"Hahaha, very funny.." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Glad you made it Lisa." Bee said, a whole paddle board hoisted on her head.

"Holy crap, how are you carrying that thing?!" Katherine shouted, totally reading my mind.

"Relax, it's super light weight," Nick said, demonstrating it as well by carrying another paddle board with ease, "She's not THAT strong." he said, eyeing Bee with a mischievous smile.

Bee looked at him and laughed, "Ha! Said the person who I JUST beat arm wrestling! you wish you were as strong as I am..."

"Pfffffft!"Nick said, "Shut up, Bug. Don't make me get the insect spray!"

"Oh no, you didn't!" Bee set the paddle board down and chased Nick down the path.

They were both screaming and laughing as they circled each other along the grass.

"Bug?" I asked, a little confused.

"It's what Nick calls Bee..." Joey said.

"He might have a slight crush on her if I'm being perfectly honest..." Michael quipped, a small grin on his face.

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