TWENTY SIX : Gary and Tony

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"Hey Nick, could you pass the salt?" I asked him, all of us except for Bee were eating breakfast at the dining table, as Nick passed me the salt shaker, she walked in, looking a little tired.

"спасибо, большой!" (Spasiba, balshoy, // Thank you very much) I told Nick, putting salt all over my scrambled eggs.

Bee suddenly spoke, in the middle of scooping some fruit into a bowl "ты говоришь по-русски?!"(Tee govorish puh-rooski?!// You speak Russian?!)

I looked at Bee, who had a surprised slash amused look on her face, "боже мой, да!! (Bozhe moy, Da!// oh my gosh, yes!)

Bee's face lit up, filling with color. "Holy crap dude, this is awesome! I've been looking for someone to practice with for forever!"

"How long have you been learning?" I asked, getting excited myself.

Bee thought for a bit, "about three years on and off?"

"Woooow, вы говорите хорошо?" (Vee guhvuhreeteh karasho?// do you speak well?") I asked.

Bee grimaced, "нет, чуть-чуть говорить..." (Nyet, choot-choot govoreet// No I speak only little)

"это, круто..." (eh-tuh krootah // that's cool) I replied.

Bee nodded, "очень круто.." (oh-chin krootah // very cool).

"OKAY, GUYS, ENOUGH WITH THE RUSSIAN, OTHER FOLKS SPEAK ENGLISH HERE TOO." Christina interrupted, Kath chimed in and said, "I can say, 'Yo tengo el pan' in spanish."

"Ah, bien! Muy bien!" Bee teased,

"Bee stop! how many freaking languages do you know?!" Christian asked, his Cocoa Pops reduced to a brown sludge in his bowl.

Bee laughed.

After breakfast, my sisters went back to the room and took their showers, I patted myself on the back,

good job Lisa, taking a shower last night.

One thing I hated most was the queue for the bathroom.

I went to the living room to chill with my new copy of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I already finished reading it an hour after I bought it but I felt like going through it again more relaxed this time.

"OH MY GOSH. YES." Someone said loudly, I turned around, and Bee was standing behind the couch were I was sitting, an armful of books in tow.

I scooted over as she sat down, and she deposited the books on the coffee table in front of us. I picked it up, "Hey, this looks familiar..." I said, looking at the picture, seeing a bespectacled boy on a broom with a scar on his head.

I looked at the other books, "Whoa, is this, Harry Potter?!"

Bee nodded, "RUSSIAN Harry Potter. So, Gary Potter since--"

"Since they pronounce the H like a G, yeah, yeah!" My eyes widened, flipping through them, seeing JK Rowling's words in Cyrillic. "Whooooa this is awesome!"

"It's so difficult to read though.." Bee told me, "I can listen better than I can read."

I looked at Bee, "Oh man, I can read better... I feel like my ears aren't made to listen to hard languages.. hahaha."

"Hahaha, I feel like I'm dyslexic when I read in Cyrillic..." She said, rubbing her eyes.

"This is exciting, dude." I told Bee, who nodded while yawning.

I frowned, "Are you alright? did you sleep?" I asked, remembering the ruckus that happened with Luca. Christina, Amy and Kath said they didn't really see or hear much after they went to the bathroom last night.

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