TWENTY FOUR : MRI Scans and Beer cans

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"But, how, how can this be?!" I exclaimed, holding a bunch of papers in my hand. Not really knowing what to say.

She then launched into a barrage of explanations which I couldn't really hear because of the blood rushing through my ears.

Earlier that day

"FIGUEROA!" A nurse called out into the waiting room. I stood up and stretched my legs and walked into my GP's office.

"Hello, Bee, how are we doing today?"
Dr. Roxas asked, swinging her hair over to one side.

I sat down in the chair in front her her table. "I'm good doc, my week has been awesome so far. Just gotta get this checkup over with so my assistant stops bugging me."

"mhhmmm." she said, " Alright, well you know the drill... full body exam, a bit of bloodwork just so we see that you're healthy.."

I got up and moved to the examination table, lying down on the somewhat cold cot.

"Anything out of the ordinary? How's the chest pains?" the doctor asked, placing her stethoscope on my chest. Then she took my blood pressure.

"Chest pains, maybe every now and again..I get the occasional migraine, but that's just dehydration maybe...oh and the stitch in my side never really went away..." I said casually, reminding her of the last time I came to visit.

Dr. Roxas glanced in my direction, "Huh. really. And are you still bruising more often?"

I nodded.

"Alright, shirt up, Bee. And put your arms above your head."

I did as she instructed. She gently put both hands on my abdomen, pushing down slightly, it felt okay until she moved to my side right over where I assumed my liver would be and a sharp pain radiated from it down to my foot.

"Ow!" I cried, surprised slightly.

"Does that hurt?" She asked, poking and prodding some more.

"Just that side."

"Hmm." She said, "We may have to do some tests."

My heart skipped a beat, " everything okay, doc?"

She gave me a non-committal shrug, "Let's just take the tests to be sure."

After I put my shirt back on, the doctor had me sign a few papers and took my blood really quick.

"Okay, so I've got you scheduled for an MRI and a CT scan in about an hour." She told me.

"Oh, uhm," I stuttered, not really expecting anything, "What's the matter doc? Should I be worried?"

Dr. Roxas just looked at me, not really giving anything away, "I'll tell you after I get the results. If it makes you feel any better, you'll know today. I'll fast track the results for you."

Not really knowing what to think, I just nodded.

"Oh man," I just realized, " So does that mean I still can't eat?"

My doctor laughed, "Haha, no, I'm sorry. Did you have any plans?"

I laughed too, "Yeah, I had like a full spread of food ready for me for lunch..." My stomach growling at the thought of food.

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