THIRTY EIGHT : Livestreams and Daydreams

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"How crazy is it that a full month has come and gone?" I told my phone camera as I livestreamed the second half of our trip back home.

"Hey guuuys, this isn't your normal makeup tutorial in my room," I paused to take a sip of water, the airconditioning in this plane dried out my throat so much, "I am actually on a plane going back home! I know, the wifi is insane in here.." I stopped to let a few of the comments roll in.

Rixi Barnes
Whoa, you're in the air right now? so cool!

Sage McAllister
Can't wait to see you in Glasgow!

Devin Rodriguez
Lisaaaaaa! I've missed your livestreams!

Darya Stepchanova
Can't you join the mile high makeup club and do a tutorial while in the air?

This is Lauren

"Laureeeen!" I yelled to the back of the plane, "Get off my livestream, you runt! Just kidding, I don't care.."

I panned my phone up and around so everyone could say hi.

"Listen up you dingbats, say hi to my livestream!" I said, standing up.

"Heeeeeey everybody, I'm cleaning my purse. Hahaha!" Christina said.

"Me too!" Chimed Amy, who was segregating her stuff into piles.

"Go awaaaaay." Dani growled under her blanket that she was sharing with Kath who was also sleeping.

"Guys! listen! help me, I've been taken against my will--" Lauren screamed from behind.

"OH MY GOSH LAUREN STOP. You're going to scare these people." I said, sitting back down, "Sorry about that, folks,  my family is crazy. But I bet you already knew that.." I rested the camera back on the table.

"So! As I was sayiiing...oops. Sorry, I gotta whisper. The wenches are sleeping.." I stopped to look around, true enough, everyone was pretty much asleep except for Amy and Christina up in front and Lauren by the back. "How crazy fast does time go? I had an amazing time, I'm sure you've seen posts on my instagram or my sisters.. If you haven't, how dare you? Hahah, just kidding, I don't care."

"I've had the best time guys..I think I can say I've grown a lot on this trip. I met a ton of you, made some new lifelong frie--" I stopped, thinking of Bee, and the conversation she Kath and I had right before we left. She told us it was okay if we wanted to tell the others about her condition. At that moment, I felt a simultaneous sensation of a weight being lifted from my shoulders, and a lead ball being dropped in my stomach.

"Lifelong friends. It's just been a blast...okay, Imma read some of the comments, do some shoutouts.."

I scrolled down, going through all the comments and saying hello to everyone, answering questions too. Then I saw a familiar name,

"Oh my gosh, Joy! I can see you! Hey girl!" I waved, " You guys, I met a group of incredible, inspirational young girls on my trip, I'll tell you about them more in detail soon.. and one of 'em is watching! Hey Joy, I miss you, and look, I'm wearing the bracelet you gave me!" I showed the camera my wrist.

I spent a little over half an hour more just talking about the things going through my brain, daydreaming, remembering the awesome moments... also answering some questions and doing  few shoutouts. I felt like I wanted to dump on the viewers about what an amazing time I had, but if I did, this livestream would have lasted the whole flight. So I kept it light, and as the ticker hit the one hour mark, I said goodbye to the livestream.

"Bye guuuuys, I'll see you when we get home to Nashville. Peace!"

I sat for a little while, not being able to  get rid of the feeling of wanting to talk to someone. I looked up from my seat, trying to see if Christina was awake. She was. Amy had succumbed to her sleepiness and moved to the other side of the plane next to an also sleeping Alex.

I walked over to her, "Mind if I hang out here?" I said, sitting down next to her. She looked up from her phone and took out one earbud,"Sure, Lise.. everything okay?"

I thought about her question, and sighed, shaking my head.

"It's about Bee." I started.

Christina looked a little confused, and also concerned, "What about her?"

"She told me and Kath something that I need your help with..I need your help to tell everyone else." I was delaying.

"Okay, now you're scaring me a little what is it?" Christina said, shifting in her chair.

I hesitated, and decided it could wait. I hope.

"Oh, it's nothing to worry about, she just told me about our itinerary for Renegade for the next few months and to make sure to coordinate with you."
I lied.

Christina looked at me suspiciously, "Why would she need you to tell me that? Angel and I have everything covered..."


I feigned ignorance, and said "Huh, hahaha, Bee must've forgot. You know how that girl is.." I deflected, "So what exactly DO we have planned? I'm kinda lost."

Christina looked at me considering me for a moment, then dove into her purse and got  if not the biggest, certainly one of the top ten biggest binders I have ever seen in my life.

"Good galactic gravy what the heck is that?!" I cried, unable to hide my surprise.

Christina squinted at me, "This, is the proud work Angel and I have done together. Basically, it's our Renegade schedule threaded into our tour schedule so we don't end up over-lapping or forgetting, or dying from fatigue.."

My jaw dropped, "Wow. This is..erm, comprehensive."

And so I sat there, the lead ball in the pit of my stomach shrinking slightly due to my older sister's enthusiastic speech about scheduling the next half of our year.

We'll tell her when we get home.. She'll be more rested and will know exactly what to say to the others.

I thought to myself as Stina then showed me her color coded calendars.  I nodded and responded accordingly, taking comfort in the rock that was my big sister. She'd know. Christina can handle this. Christina can handle the fact that our friend is dying from cancer. God, I can't even say it out loud. How are we supposed to tell everyone?



How WILL they tell everyone?

be prepared for a slight time jump, in the next few chapters :)


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