The News

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Mulder fell to the ground, groaning and holding his face. "Owwww."

Scully ran up to him giggling, "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

Mulder laughed and sat up next to her, still caressing his face. "This is why girls can't play football!" She smacked him. "Hey! I'm kidding!"

"You better be! Here, I'll throw it to you and you try to get a goal." Mulder fell back to the ground and started to laugh so hard tears fell out of his eyes.

"You mean touchdown!"

"Whatever!!" She got up and reached her hand down to him to pull him up off the ground. "Ready?" She ran back to her side of the yard. "Hike!" She then threw a wobbly pass right to him and he started charging for the touchdown.

His eyes widened in surprise to see her darting towards him confidently. Thinking he could just break through, he continued to sprint. Next thing he knew her arms were wrapped around his waist. Unable to resist the strength in this woman, she brought him down to the ground with a thump.

"I bet you're rethinking that 'girls can't play football' thing." She shot at him.

"No, you just can't be a quarterback. Damn woman, how?"

"I'm just better than you!" She retorted playfully.

"I guess you are." He smiled at her. "Give me hand will you, superwoman?" She rolled her eyes and strolled towards him, pulling him up again.

"So Alex will be out for a few more hours, you want to get some fro yo?" She asked him with pleading eyes.

"There's frozen yogurt here!?"

"Of course!" She grabbed onto his hand and lead him to the car, "lets gooooo! They're not in your backyard!"

"Okay!" He yelled playfully back at her, being shoved into the car.

On their way to 'The Frozen Flamingo' after playing multiple car games, Scully got a call.

"Hello?" She answered. "Is he okay?" Mulder looked over at her with a confused expression. Scully gasped with a couple 'uh huh's' and nodding. "Thank you." She fake sniffled fake tears.

"What the hell?"

"It was the ambulance, Alex was in a fatal car crash and the said he didn't make it."

"Oh...I'm sorry, Scully."

"You're sorry? Mulder I'm so happy. I know it's so wrong to be happy, but god dammit I'm fucking free!" She started to tear up.

"Of course I'm happy! I just wanted to know if you were." His eyes watered as well, pulling into their destination they both ran out of the car and Scully jumped into his arms, crying into his shoulder, legs wrapped around his waist.

"Mulder, this can't be real."

"But it is."

She pulled back from his shoulder and gave him a sloppy kiss, not caring about their surroundings or the stares of people.

Yayy sorry about it being late, but some things came up ((:

Who's playing Pokemon Go?! Hmu

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