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Mulder gazes at her, mouth agape, the words she had just spoken still not processing.

"You-you remember? Everything?" He says, hopeful of her saying yes.

"Yeah, mulder. I don't know what it was. It might've been the hard hit to my head that it all just came back to me." She squeezed her eyes shut and winced, the adrenaline fading and the pain beginning. "Ouchhh."

Mulder picked her up and carried her to her bedroom, setting her atop of her bed, towel draped over her small physique. He left to get a wrap from a first aid kit he knew she had stored somewhere hidden in her apartment, ibuprofen, some ice, and a heating pad.

He raced back to the room when he found the supplies he needed, grimacing when hearing the painful groans coming from her mouth.

"Mulder..." she stretched her hand out to him and he set the stuff aside to squeeze her hand reassuringly.

"It's going to be okay. Do you want me to take you the doctor and have them help you out?" He asked.

She shook her head, "no, this isn't that bad." She smiled at him and so badly did she want to kiss his soft, pouting lips, but was in too much pain to do so. "I'll instruct you. First, I need to take those ibuprofen pills to make this pain go away." She stuck three in her mouth and swallowed them without any water. "Then, take that wrap and wrap in around my head twice, tying it in a double-knot on the side of my head. Common sense, Mulder." He laughed as he got the point and did as he was told.

A few minutes later, she was wrapped up around her head, ice on her thigh, heating pad on her back, Mulder to her side, legs tangled up with hers, and his arm resting just below her breasts.

"Mulder, you know I still don't have any clothes on." She chuckled and he lifted his head up to whisper in her ear.

"I know." She turned her head to meet his lips with her own and they kissed passionately, his tongue brushing against her teeth, asking for entrance. She opened her mouth to let him in and their tongues fought for dominance. They pulled away in unison and touched foreheads smiling and falling into a peaceful sleep with no one but each other.

The next morning, Scully awoke to a sweet aroma of breakfast and it all felt too familiar to her. She smiled as she got up, but winced as her body stung from the left over pain from yesterday. She limped her way over to Mulder in the kitchen. She stopped and looked as his half naked physique, admiring and taking in his muscular body. She snuck up on him and hugged him from behind.

He turned around and returned her hug. "Good morning, sunshine." She looked up at him and smiled.

"Good morning."

Mulder's insides twirled and he couldn't believe that everything was back to normal. It felt too easy, just like that everything was fine. She was fine. He was happy again.


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