Chapter Forevermore

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Scully sat on the edge of her seat, her leg bouncing up and down while her eyes scanned over her watch for the third time.

"Dana Scully?"

She instantly sat up hearing her name and confronted the nurse who had called her down.

"Hi, Dana, I would like you to sign these papers and fill out the rest of the medical information. Turn them in to the front office over there when you're done and we shall call you down when we're ready." After the petite brunette nurse had gestured to the office on her right, she exited through the dividing doors and left Scully with four pages of paperwork and a pen.

She needed to know.


Mulder threw another pencil at the ceiling and let out a long sigh, "sure is boring without Scully here." He chucked another pencil at the ceiling a little too hard, causing it to bounce off and hit him right on the nose. His hands reflexively sprung to his nose and he let out a whine, "darn youuu, government!"

"Mulder, what are you doing?" Mulder let his hands drop from his face and turned to see a very irritated Skinner glaring at him.

"Oh heyy, homegirl," Mulder pointed finger guns towards skinner.

"Don't you think for one second that me letting you and Scully come back early means anything. We needed more people here at the bureau, when everyone decides to take vacation days at the same time, it gets rough. Where's Scully?"

"She said she had an appointment. And yeah, yeah, Skinman, we already know we're your favorite, you said it before. In front of our faces. Which was a bad idea." Mulder let out a chuckle that was not reciprocated back, but was responded by his office door slamming.

Mulder scoffed, "rude." Before he had a chance to throw his next pencil, the phone rang and he hastily picked it up, suspenseful as to who was on the other line. "Mulder."

"Mulder, it's me. I just want you to know that I'll be a little late today, I got held up at the hospital."

"Is everything okay?"

"No, I mean yeah, I'll uh...I'll talk to you when I get there. Bye Mulder."

"Bye, Scully." Mulder set the phone down, his mood was changed drastically. Scully sounded a little off to him, and concern suddenly took over.

Scully entered the bureau building and reluctantly head over to her and Mulder's own little cave of an office. Her grip on the rails of the stairs tightened and she could feel her stomach churn, nausea filling her body like a demon choosing to possess every crevice of a person's physique. She slightly let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, unwilling to let herself wonder if she should be happy or devastated.

As if she had teleported, not sure if she enjoyed appearing outside of the office door so suddenly, she was soon there and it was time. Hesitantly, she pushed the door open and found Mulder with his hands on his chin for support, staring intently at his paper-stacked desk, his eyes were furrowed as if something was on his mind. He soon heard the creaking of the door hinges and looked up from his gaze.


"Mulder." Scully made her way to him, her hands were fidgeting behind her back as her nerves came into place. "Mulder I...I'm so sorry." Tears sprung to her eyes and soon were rolling down her cheeks.

Mulder got up from his desk chair and almost ran to Scully, confusion and concern evident in his features, "Scully, what are you sorry for? Is everything all right?"

Scully turned away from him in shame, "Mulder...I'm...I'm pregnant." She turned towards him, getting ready for him to run away like they always do, ready to disappoint the next person in her life, but she looked up to see quite the contrary, as the grin spread on Mulder's cheeks were so wide his face could split open.

"Scully...this..this isn't anything to be ashamed of." He started to laugh, "why are you crying?''s mine right?" His heart began to race. Scully chuckled through her tear-ridden face.

"Yes, it's yours. I I thought you'd be mad, I thought you'd run away. Scared." Mulder instantly put a hand on her waist and brought her in for a bear hug, he pulled away slightly and dove in for her lips, sharing a passionate kiss.

"Why would I run from the woman I'll never leave behind?" Scully stood on her tippy toes with her hands around his neck to bring him in for another kiss. "I love you, sorry for being stubborn the other day." She giggled into his chest.

"I love you too, even when you're mad at me."

They stayed in each other's arms for what felt like an eternity and they cherished every moment of it.

Sorry for being sooo late my phone crashed because I knew too much of the government's confidential information, so the apple store wiped my entire phone. You win this time, Illuminati. (((: how is everyone?

One time this song was in a fanfic I read a looong time ago and it was sooo sad I cried so hard, I miss the author so much.

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