Invisible man?

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"Mulder, you don't actually think this man disappeared in front of this woman do you?"

"Scully, don't underestimate the power of invisibility," Mulder retorted, causing Scully to sigh so deeply that there was no leftover air left inside her lungs before quickly inhaling.

"To be honest, Mulder, this woman was probably stoned."

Mulder chuckled, "Is that your conclusion to everything?"

"Absolutely not, but when you're trapped in a town like this, it's hard not to come up with a conclusion like that; a case where a man disappeared in front of a woman? C'mon Mulder, be reasonable for once? For me? Your secret girlfriend? Humor me, Mulder? You know I'm right."

"I will not be scientific or skeptical, Scully, I do not work that way; besides, this is what makes our partnership really fun when we argue over whether it's plausible or too far fetched to be true, so I'm right and you love me."

Scully just scoffed and pretended to be mad at him because she really couldn't bring herself to be made at this man beside her. Damn you and your cute little baby fucking face, Mulder.


They parked in an empty lot surrounded by trails and a large forest, but a beautiful view. Mulder spotted the group of police officers interviewing a young blonde. Scully was already making her way over there.

Mulder got caught in his own thoughts and couldn't tear his eyes away from Scully's beautiful frame. The way her hips sway with every step and the way her hair bounces just above her shoulders.

"Mulder?!" Scully called from the group of police officers with a grin plastered on her face. "I let you have your fun staring at me for a few minutes, but don't you want to get on this case?"

"I know exactly what I want to do right now and it's not about this case," Mulder mumbled to himself.


"Nothing..." He started to make his way towards the group of people, but his mind kept wandering aimlessly until his thoughts landed on Scully again and he kept laughing and giggling to himself while playing a little game of 'don't step on a crack or you'll break your mother's back,' stopping when he finally reached them.

"Mulder, are you high?" Scully whispered to him so quiet so the other officers couldn't hear her.

Mulder chuckled, "I just can't believe you're mine, Scully."

Blushing, Scully looked away, "shut up."

"Agents?" One of the police officers approached them, "this is Annie, she was with her husband when he disappeared."

"Thank you, hi I'm FBI agent Dana Scully, and this is my partner, agent Fox Mulder."

"Hi." The young blonde shyly answered.

"What exactly did you see?" Scully's asked, skeptically.

The girl scoffed and all of the sudden her confidence came out of nowhere, "well, miss know it all, I happened to see my husband standing right in front of me and then he just disappeared in front of my own eyes! I'm not making this up, and nobody will believe me!" Her eyes started to tear up, "have you ever lost somebody that you love so much you'd do anything for them?"

Scully ignored the insult made from the now confident blonde, and thought back to the time where Mulder said that he lost her. This is the feeling Mulder had.

"Yes. I have," Mulder spoke up with a sad expression on his face, "I lost someone that I loved more than anything in the world, and I lost myself. I was out of my mind; I didn't know what to do without her. I wasn't the same and I felt like nothing could change that, but I found her, and we will find your husband." He half smiled up at Annie.

"Thank you so much, I have hope." She was called back to the group of police officers for more questions.

"Mulder..." Scully, with tears in her eyes said. "That was about me?" She tried looking away but Mulder reached out and tilted her head upwards to look at him.

"You don't even know how bad it was, Scully." She pressed her body to his in a tight embrace, not caring if anybody sees.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too."

Hi guys it's been a century but I'm alive and I just wanted to share this trash served with some trash on top. Ik this story has a lot of plot twists and plot changes but i keep forgetting so now I'm going to turn this into an actual story lol ok so like 2 in 1.

Hope you're all having a great day! (:

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