You're mine

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Barely parking into a spot, Mulder rushed to get to the passenger side where Scully's feeble body lay. He quickly but tenderly scooped her up into his arms and hastily made his way to the main emergency doors 20 feet away, but to him felt like an eternity.

Once inside, Mulder spoke, "help! Please! Help!" Three nurses run to his side as they set up a crash cart, doctors and trauma surgeons rush in with the anesthesiologist in tact. Mulder began running aside the cart as the nurses and doctors charge towards the doors to the sterile area, one of the nurses stop Mulder in his tracks, "sir, this is where you will have to turn around and stay in the waiting room, please."

"No! Please!"

"Sir! We will do everything we can, but you need to go now!" Mulder stopped as the reality sank in and he thanked the nurse and ran back to the waiting room. His head was spinning and pounding and all he could think about was if Scully was going to be okay, his breath came in short intervals and he finally sat in a chair with his hands over his face to cover up the pain.

Hours later

Mulder still sitting in the same chair, his hands now under his chin staring blankly at the wall opposite of him. Footsteps neared him, briskly becoming louder as Mulder looked up for the first time, laying eyes on the surgeon who stands above him. "Hi you're here for the Jane doe?"

"Scully! Her name is Scully. Dana scully. Is everything okay? Is she alive? Where is she?"

"Sir calm down, she's alright. We took care of the wound and luckily none of the internal organs were damaged so we were able to reach hemostasis without trouble after retrieving the bullet. Come with me and I'll lead you to her room." The surgeon said as he smiled politely at Mulder.

"Thank you." Mulder spoke with shock and internal exuberance. He couldn't believe it. Thank the heavens!

Once they arrived at the room, Mulder instantaneously thanked the surgeon once more as he left.

Scully lies on the bed and Mulder inches his way near the bedside and watched her fragile body rise and lower with the inhaling and exhaling of her lungs. He studied the features on her face as a tear fell off his cheek and onto hers. He sat in a nearby chair and positioned his hand onto her delicate face while the room was congested by the slow beeps of the heart monitor. Shes okay. Mulder lay his head upon her chest as he comprehends the sound of her heart beat, music to his ears. After what felt like a while, a shift triggered his head to pop up and look into the now open eyes of Scully before him. He smiled down at her fatigued appearance and she lazily smiled back up at him.

"Hi Mulder. How long was I out?" She was cut off by soft lips that were delicately placed upon her own in a passionate approach. She kissed him back and placed her hand on the back of his head to bring him closer.

Pulling back, Mulder looked deeply into Scully's eyes, "Don't ever die."

Scully chuckled, "I'll try not to."

They stayed there staring at each other with such intimacy and affection, like the whole world has stopped and they were the only two people in the world. Suddenly Mulder dug into his coat pocket and retrieved a small black box and got down on his knee, scooting closer to her bed.

"Scully I know this is evidently a bad time to do this, but you can't leave me. I almost lost you more than once these past couple years and who knows how much time we will have left. I just can't imagine a world and my life where you aren't the one person I'm sharing it with. Even when we argue and fight, I still love you and can't envision myself stopping. You are my world, my love, my Scully. Will you marry me?"

Scully gazed over at Mulder with her glossy blue orbs, "Mulder yes. I love you so much!" Mulder bent over and pecked Scully on the lips as they embraced in a warm, passionate hug and they spent that night laughing and loving each other even though their time was consumed in a hospital bed, they still had a wonderful time as long as they were with one another. Mulder reached down slowly as he rubbed scully's baby bump and smiled when he felt soft kicking from the other side. At that moment, him and Scully knew everything would be alright.

El Fine

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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