Birthday Surprise

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Scully woke up to the sweet aroma coming from the kitchen. She decided to sell her house next door, not having been used in a while, so she and Mulder agreed to live together for the time being.

As she walked towards the kitchen, her smile broadened seeing Mulder making breakfast. She slowly inched closer, leaning on he doorframe leading to the kitchen.

"Good morning!" He yelled excitedly, causing her to jump and break her out of her gaze. "I made you your birthday breakfast. I wanted to serve it to you in bed I guess I failed at that." He smiled lopsidedly.

She strolled towards him and wrapped her hands around his neck, bringing his head down to hers and placed a passionate kiss onto his lips. Once she broke away, she smiled.

"Thank you, Mulder. You're so sweet."

He caressed her cheek. "Anything for the birthday girl on her birthday, or any other time of day as long as it's you."

She blushed and looked down towards the ground. "Mulder..." he gave her a small kiss on her forehead before turning away to resume his earlier duty.

"Excuse me, I have to finish this. The last thing I want to do is ruin your birthday breakfast." They both chuckled.

"I'll be right back, Mulder, I'm going to go change." He smiled with a nod.

"I love you, Scully."

"I love you too, Mulder."


"Scully, are you almost done? My masterpiece of a breakfast is finally cooked." He smiled to himself, proudly. He then looked outside and saw that it was pitch black. "What?" He mumbled to himself. He walked towards the window and could not see a single thing outside. He looked down at his watch that read 9:34 am. "Scully?" When he walked to the bedroom door everything went white and a ringing high pitched frequency ran through his ears. He clutched his head, interlocking his fingers.

"Mulder!!!" He heard Scully's muffled screams, but could not see her.

"Scully!! Where are you?!?!!"

"Mulder!! Help me!!!"

Then the whiteness was gone, outside wasn't pitch black, the frequency was gone, and as he searched the house everywhere, so was Scully.

"Scully? No this is not happening." After pacing around the house he fell back onto the bedroom door and slid down to the ground, his hands covered his face and he began to cry hard into them.




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