chapter 1

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Casey pov

" Casey don't you think its time we go back I know your hurting im hurting too but we have a family to save two kingdoms to protect we need to go back " Vera states once again its been 5 months since that horrid day took place and I still have nightmares I can no longer shift into my wolf because saga soul has been taken from me and I couldn't take it it was all to much at once most of my pack was killed and I couldn't do anything about it I'm a failure as an alpha

" You have to understand we must go back " Vera demanded

" And do what exactly hm just waltz into his kingdom and demand justice " I snap

" Yes Casey we must return home he has killed two of our mates more than half of our pack he has killed our brother and he he took saga from us we must fight back we must get her back without her we are not whole you know you cannot kill a supernatural soul only trap it once we find where she is trapped she will return to us " Vera explained and I want to believe her but something is holding me back fear is clutching my heart mind and soul

" We must break past that fear " Vera says and I nod remembering who I am I'm the alpha of my pack I am the queen of the Demon kingdom and Faerie Kingdom and I think its time I started acting like it

" Thanks Vera you always know what to say " I stated going to find Michelle so we can get off this god forsaken island I think I've had enough self pity

" Took you long enough to figure that out " Vera complained and I nodded

" Michelle we're leaving " I say and she nods

" Alpha I've been trying to speak with my demon and he won't respond back I feel his presence but he never speaks to me like Rale does " she says as I shift to my demon

" Hm when we get to my kingdoms I'll seek out someone to help you I may have done the ritual wrong you weren't suppose to turn demonic you were only suppose to turn wolf " I say as she shifts to her demon as well
" Time to to go home" I say as we start our journey home I look back an remember just how we got here


As we land on the sandy beach I collapse against Michelle crying into her fur feeling incomplete feeling lost and unsure what I did wrong all my emotions swirling as a burst of rage pushes me and I try to shift Vera wanting me to succeed hoping it wasn't true hoping this was all a nightmare and as I shift I see only red I

My thoughts are


I can't control my


Vera trying to calm me Michelle whimpering as the rage builds and builds she's going to fuse


Its to late my mind consumes her



Ahhhh my mind I can't control I must kill I growl slamming my paw into the ground

" Alpha please " I hear through the rage

" You're hurting me " I notice I shift back im choking Michelle and once reality hits me I drop her

" I'm sorry im so sorry " I state trying to show her im no longer angry and she nods hugging me and I feel all anger leave me as our naked bodies touch I am unworthy of her trust I am a disappointment I am a failure as an Alpha I think as I clutch onto her crying

" We will make it through this Alpha I promise " Michelle states caressing my cheek ha I'm suppose to comfort her not the other way around but I let her and that night we clung onto each hoping in the morning it would be better but knew it wouldn't

As the days go by I notice new things about myself things that shouldn't be I notice a tattoo around my heart spirals and I noticed my eyes always a red well Michelle noticed that also ever since that shift a few days ago I've been a bit more aggressive that Michelle is always submitting

" I don't know what's going on with me " I say outloud as I go out of the cave we've been staying in

" Nothing your just going through a transitioning as your wolf presence is no longer there " Michelle states coming to sit next to me

" I'm a failure aren't are " I whisper I couldn't protect anyone I was weak I am weak why did the pack trust me with their lives I deserved to die

" Alpha you are not a failure you were just caught by surprise like all of us we didn't know Michael was Tyler's slave we didn't see the signs he hid it well and if anything we need to hurry back so that we can protect our kingdoms from
him " she says and I shake my head as the tattoo starts to clench around my heart and I scatter away from the thought of coming near Tyler again

" Alpha ! " she gasps coming to hold me and as she wraps her arms around me I feel a safe wave wash through me

" Everything's gonna be okay we will get through this I will not let anyone harm you ever again " she states her voice firm as I cry against her I am weak I don't deserve her or anyone

" I think you need this time to strengthen yourself but alpha we can't stay hidden forever our pack needs us they need you " she says getting up

" What are we gonna do " I ask looking up at her

" I still need to be trained properly don't I " she says putting hand out to help me up and I grab it nodding

"Yeah you do let's start " I say hoping this will keep her from wanting us to go back

*End Flashback*

" Alpha are you okay " Michelle asks as we land to make a quick stop for food and new clothing

" Yeah I'm fine just thinking " I say grabbing things that we are sure to need

" Um how are we going to pay for this " Michelle whispers

" We're not " I laugh out popping out the store and into the forest behind the store running a bit farther in as Michelle does the same looking at me with a glare

" Casey ! " she yells as soon as we a far enough into the area

" Hm "

" We just stole from them " she exclaims and I laugh

" How else are we going to get it we have no money " I state still laughing a bit ha I haven't been this happy in a while to be honest I think to myself

" Well that's your fault and we deserve it " Vera states and I nod it was my fault but im going to fix it no more sulking

" Michelle you feel that " I say walking closer to her letting out a growl letting know im not fucking around and as I do a huge Grey wolf comes from the shadows with two auburn wolves a bit smaller than the Grey one on each side of him

" Casey you have to keep
calm " Michelle say using our mind link as the man shifts and so does the two twin wolves one boy the other a girl all of them glaring at us


Okay guys I'm back and here is the first chapter for you sorry for taking to long but I had to make sure it was good enough for you all

You know how I update once a week soo yeah



And of course read

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