Authors Note

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Aye guys wassup. I know I haven't update in a bit. Like schools a lil bitch and work is just ugh but I will be graduating soon and I will have enough time to write and update. So on the 27th I will update and get this back going. I also have other books in mind an want you guys opinion.


Lily and her brother James were always in and out of foster care. Their mother was never stable enough to keep them. And they never knew their father. One year with their mother another year without her. And when they went to foster care they were always split up. When she was 8 Her mother took them and moved from Detroit Michigan to Athens, Georgia. It seemed as if she cleaned her act up. Everything seemed fine. She even had another child. Jayvon. But a few days before James birthday and a week before mothers day. She died. Right infront of them. Lily covered James eyes. She knew that her was only 6. He didn't need to see this. When it came down to them finding family members to take them. No one would. Its as if every one hated their mother Mary. The next week they were all given to a family. But a month later. They all were split up again. That family only wanted Jayvon since he was just a baby. Lily and James on the other hand were separated. Sent to families that did not care for them. They only wanted the money that came with them. Everything was wrong.

Lilys a junior and highschool now and she stays to herself. She finally got in touch with her brother James whose doing just as bad as her. She vows to him that when she turns 18 she would come and get him. Till then the only thing that keeps her sane is her art. She loves photography. She loves sketching and making things with her hands. When a new teacher comes who has the same passion for art. Mrs. Emily Hanson is 27 and has always been in love with anything art. She was raised with a silverspoon in her mouth and always got everything she wanted. Both her parents were around to raise her and they still are here. Hearing Ms. Hanson brag about that gets Lily to hate her. Lily didn't like that she could easily brag like that not taking into consideration that someone could have way less. But seeing Lilys passion for art did the  opposite for Emily. She saw that Lily had this raw emotion that came through her every art piece. How is she going to handle her new feelings.


James being in the 9 grade was small for his age. He had just turned 15 and his size  made him the main target for abuse at school and at home. His abuser is his foster brother Tyson. Tyson is 16 10th grade and he of course was popular and was on every sport team he could. He wasn't your typical dumb jock either. He had brains and used that to his advantage to hurt those weaker than him and hell sometimes those stronger. James loathed him. He hated everything about him but if he said one word against the boy he would be in trouble with his foster parents. Now they didn't hit James. Hell they barely paid attention to him. They gave him things he needed and he was glad he didn't have a home like his sister. Where they didn't even give her food sometimes. He was worried for her. But she promised that she would get him when she was 18. So he had to tough it out 1 more year. But what happens when in the beginning of 9th grade James finds out Tyson's secret. Will he tell or will he use it to his advantage?


Okay so Ive been thinking about this for a while and I want you guys feedback. When I do should it be in one book or two. If 2 ill do one at a time as to pace myself. If same ill of course label the Povs. So yeah I have other ideas as well this is one that one already mapped out in my head though. Anywho be ready for update on this book the 27th guys and sorry for they long ass wait lol.

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