Chapter 33

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Casey's pov

" So he's really gone? " I turn my attention from Tyler's burning body to the voice beside me.

" Yup. " I look at Falen and she smiles. Then looks at me.

" Not to make things awkward but can I go now. Places to wander you know. " Rose walks up bag in hand.

" Rose you don't have to go. " I step to her and she steps back.

" You and Falen are mates. And I'm just in the way. So I'll be going. " She turns to leave but I grab her arm.

" That's not what you really want Rose. " She nods her head and pulls her arm away.

" It is though. Im not gonna sit here and watch her take you from me. " I clench my fist trying not to cry infront of my pack but I can't help it she's not even trying anymore.

" We finally got Tyler and stopped all the wars between each kingdom. But that means nothing if your not with me after Rose. I love you. And yes I will always love Falen but being with you made me happy. Fate aside. You are who I want. And no one will change my mind. " I pull her into a hug my arms over her shoulders.

" Please don't leave me. " I say in her ear, but she only shakes her head.

" I love you too. " She pulls back dropping her bag and puts her arms around my waist.

" Then stay. " She looks into my eyes as if she's searching for something. Then she kisses me. And I can feel her love. All of it. That makes me relax into her. I pull back to breathe and she smiles a tear going down her face.

" Goodbye Casey. " She whispers before nodding her head and disappearing. And my heart skips and I feel a lump in my throat. I turn to serenity who has her head down.

" Where did you send her? " Serenity looks up tears going down her face.

" Im sorry my Queen, but she asked me awhile ago to set up a series of transportation portals at random coordinates and she said I'd know when to send her when it was the time. "

" Why? "

" I can't refuse an order from your Luna my Queen. "

" Oh. " I walk away into the house and to my room. I feel Falen following me, but I don't care.

" Are you okay? " I look up at her and she knows I'm asking does it look like I'm okay.

" Right that did hit everyone's heart strings when she did that. She's truly loved here. "

" Yeah. "

" What will you do? Will you go after her ? " Falen sits next to me on my bed.

" We need to stay here and run our kingdom and pack. We couldn't find a wanderer even if we wanted to. " Vera states and I look to the floor my heart aches knowing that she's telling the truth.

" Rose waited on us even though we could have been dead. She waited and ran our kingdom. " Saga states and I nod.

" Rose isn't coming back Saga. "

" She might. "

" Don't be an idiot. If she knew she would come back she would have never left us and you know that. " Vera yells and Saga says nothing else.

" Enough guys. Vera is right. There is no way I'd be able to find her. And she won't come back. I have a kingdom and pack to run. Also two children to raise. And even if I were to try. She cut our mate link. Her scent is fading the farther she gets. " I stand up and Falen stays sitting.

" When will you take your kingdom back Falen?"

" Well no time soon dear. If that's what your asking. "

" So that's two kingdoms to run. "
" Make me your Luna then. And it'll make things easier. " Falen stands making me have to look up at her and I shiver.

" No Falen. I think its time I be alone. "

" For how long? " she asks and I look away from her and walk to my window.

" Who knows, but no time soon. And I think that's best. " I can feel her behind me.

" That's fine. It gives me time then. "

" For what? " I look at her. Ages smiling down at me.

" To make you love me like you love Rose of course. " I shake my head and look down.

" Its not that simple Falen. " I state and in response she makes me look at her by holding my chin up.

" I know. " She says and just when I'm about to look away she kisses me. I want push her away, but I also don't. Then think of rose and I shake my head pulling away.

" I see its not gonna be easy. Will it? " I shake my head and nod

" Good. I want you to love me just like you love her. And if it takes long time I don't care. I will make you all mine again. " I look at her and she has a big smile on her face as she walks out. And Revana walks in after.

" Why is she smiling like a weirdo? " I shrug and she nods.

" Well are you okay? " I shake my head as she reminds of earlier. My heart aches and I start to cry.

" Yeah I thought so. Falen was just distracting you from your breakdown huh. " Revana lets me fall into her arms. I just nod my head as she guides me to the bed. Getting up and closing the door.

" Okay now you can cry in peace. No one to see. " she has her back against the head board of the bed as I lay on her stomach and legs. My heart hurt the farther she gets away and I don't know how to stop it.

" You have to be responsible Case. You can't leave us again. And I know it hurts, but you have to tough it out. " Revana states as if reading my mind. I don't say anything I just cry. I cry until I can't anymore. And eventually I fall asleep.


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