chapter 26

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Hel's pov

I shoot up from my bed. A wave a pain shoots through my head. I'm gasping for air like there isn't enough oxygen. My whole body feels sticky from sweat. Looking around the room I cant see anything really. My vision is really blurry. A manly figure is sitting at the edge of my bed. That wasn't there before. My hearts starts beating erratically. This feeling is something Ive never had to feel. This feeling is what I made others feel. I'm scared.

" Calm down Hel. They'll sense that something is off. " the figure turns and he looks familiar. Like I know him.

" Tyler? " he laughs quietly and quickly. It sounds strange. It only makes me even more frightened honestly.

" Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner. " he grabs the chair from my desk and sits in it backwards.

" You know I was going to wait until tomorrow to begin the plan. When they arrived, but that didn't sit right with me. Something was telling to come and break the bond while she was gone. Now come along. " He gets up quickly and throws some cloths at me. I frown.

" You're half dressed. " He points and turns allowing me some privacy

" I'm dressed. " I whisper and he nods and begins creeping slowly out of the room. I follow trying to figure out why he was here. Why I was fine with following him.

We reach a door that says office. He tries to open it but its locked.

" Of course. " he whispers to himself and bends down and starts picking the lock. Once we enter the room he shuts the door and locks it back.

" Why are we in here? " I question and he looks at me oddly.

" For information of course. " and he goes back to looking through her files.

" You know. "

" What? " I look at him and he looks deep in thought.

" I never really told anyone why I really hate Casey. I mean I said some of it, but I feel the need to explain matter more now. " I just look at him not saying a word. He takes that as my go ahead.

" She's prefect. Not without flaws perfect, but in others eyes perfect. She got her brother killed and all was fine. She killed her other brothers father and all was fine. She basically split the pack apart. Splitting families apart and all was fine. She then tried to claim two mates and all was fine not at first but my son went the next day to serve her. She left a pack she made in the dark after splitting them apart because her mate died. An alpha never leaves their pack. No matter what pains they have went through. You go through that pain with your pack. Yet she did and all was fine. When I finally killed most of the people she loved. She left the rest again and came back not fine but with a spirit of wraith controlling her and all was fine. " he stops speaking and looks at me expectantly.

" Its like her flaws never mattered. Like she was born to be loved by all. It doesn't even matter that she killed and hurt people. It doesn't matter that she tore these people apart from their family. It doesn't matter. No one stays mad at her. Not me she took my pack. She took my son. She took my mate and she took my wife. She just takes. She ruined my life. Now I'm bringing pain and misery to hers. See this time I have a goddess on my side. And a plan that just became fool proof. " he holds a leather book up.

" What's that? " I ask stepping closer to him. My curiosity getting the best of me.

" It's her Spell book. Well kinda. It contains her spells that she has mastered and spells that she has used on others and how to break them. " he sits the book down and steps back.

" Well. Open it." He shakes his head.

" It's not that simple. This books is never suppose to be opened by any one she doesn't trust. It'll know. " he frowns then looks left and smell the air.

" Micheal I told you to stand watch. " he states out loud to no one.

" I just came to tell you. They have began their journey home. " I hear a voice but see no one.

" Well that is my cue to leave. " He says grabbing the book and placing it back where it was. Setting everything back perfectly where it was as well. He then signals me to follow him. Once we reach my room.

" Gain her trust. When you do I will return. " he says before leaving. I have to remember I am not a human. I'm Death. This is what I had forgotten. This is all apart of my plan. Now to bring it into action.

Casey's pov

It's early morning and everyone is in the car. We are waiting on Pearl and Richard to return. Like they promised the fixes the car pile up without any casualties. They just need to get all of their equipment packed.

" Case is your house as big as the palace. " Nicki asks as he tugs at my arm

" Well it doesn't look it but it is pretty big. " I tell him looking away from the window. Serenity and I are riding with Casandra and her children. While Falen, Revana, Mathew, and Rose are in the other car. Pearl and Richard will be riding in their car behind us.

" Case Is the ride gonna be long? " he asks scooting closer to me. I see his mother flinch. She's been glaring at me whenever she thinks I don't see her. But I'm sure everyone can feel when someone glaring daggers at their backs.

" It's not gonna be a long ride. Okay hun. " I pinch his cheek lightly and he gives me a toothy smile then holds my hand. I honestly want a boy now. He is too precious.

" What am I bringing them into. "

" A lot of bullshit that's what. " Saga states and Vera laughs.

" Great way to put it Saga. " Vera says and Saga grumbles something about it being true, but my attention is elsewhere. The cars start moving I look out the back window. Pearl and Richard are behind us. Pearl gives a thumbs up.

" Alright lets go home. " I say aloud more to myself than to anyone.

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