chapter 21

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Casey's pov

" What do you mean Tyler's not dead. We saw May kill him. " Revana asks confusion written all over her face.

" I know. Shit I know, but who else would do this huh?" I walk to the door and look to see the kids playing but the woman is not in sight.

" So what do you wanna do alpha ?" Richard asks and I sit.

" Matthew "

" Yes my Queen. " he answers but looks scared.

" Of course he looks scared. We put him through so much pain all of a sudden. And to him we did it for no reason. " Vera states

" You're coming with me. Bring whatever you need and lets go. " he frowns

" But "

" Now. Do not question me. "

" Yes my Queen."

" This could back fire. " Revana grabs my arm and whispers in my ear as the woman and kids come back in.

" I know but that's the plan. Right now we dont know exactly who helped Tyler or why but I know this is Tyler and when I find him. This time I will be the one to finish him off." I say and Revana grins.

" I like the sound of that. " Serenity states smiling as she walks our way.

" Where are you going ? " I hear from the little boy ask. Turning I see Matthew with a suitcase

" I'm going with the Queen. She needs my help with big people stuff. " he ruffles the boys hair

" You said you'd never leave us. " The boy whispers his lip quivering. Matthew sets his stuff down and hugs him.

" I know what I said and I'm not gonna be gone for long. Just a short while. Right Queen Casey. " I shake my head.

" To be honest I dont know how long you'll be gone. " I state and the boy starts bawling tears springing from his eyes immediately.

" Casey! " Rose looks at me and I look away at Revana and Serenity. Mouths covered and trying to hold in there laughter. You would think I know not to say that so mean to a kid.

" Oops. " I whisper and walk to the boy.

" Hey its okay. What's you name? " he looks at me and the hugs back into Matthew. So I crouch down

"  I'm sorry. " I say softly and he slowly looks my way.

" What's your name ? " I smile and he pouts.

" Nick. "

" Well Nicki. Can I call you that ? " he nods

" Well Nicki I should have said you guys will be coming with him first. " After saying that his face lights up and looks to Matthew. Who shrugs and looks at Casandra.

" I'm sorry Queen Casey but we can't. " I look at her and smile

" Its not a request darling. Its an order. Now go pack. We will be leaving in an hour. " she frowns but says nothing as she walks away. Nicki and Anna following close behind. I look at Serenity and she nods disappearing.

" Well " Rose grabs my hand and I kiss her.

" Well what? " I ask holding her.

" hm " she looks dazed. I smile knowing I did that.

" Nothing. " I laugh.

" We're ready. " Casandra says holding 2 small suitcases and 1 big suitcase.

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