chapter 25

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Falen's pov

Walking around the palace I get alot of surprised and confused looks, but I think the one that excited me most was the look of fear and sadness on Roses face when I approached her. Not because I'm evil and want to see her sad but because she instantly understood that I am back.

" Hello Rose. " I say and she smiles

" Hey Falen you've regained your memories and your age I see. " she looks me up and down in an observant way.

" Yes I have. I also will be regaining other things soon as well. " I state and she nods looks behind me then smirks.

" I hope you don't think I will let her go without a fight. " she whispers then laughs.

" Casey isn't it great that Falen has returned. Wait does that mean she doesn't have to return home with us? So that you can train her ? " Oh I see now I just laugh. She's trying to play a game that she know she will lose. How cute.

" Oh no she still has to come. I have to brief her on the things that went down and also she has alot of papers to sign that is back home hun. " I nod my head and smile.

" Well that sounds fun.  " I laugh and Casey smiles while Rose glares a bit.

" Yeah should be great. " Rose states with a hint of aggression in her words. Awe someone's mad.  She is the same as always I see.  Honestly Rose looks the absolute same as before to me. Its Casey that's changed so much. She's grown into womanhood nicely.

" Well we will be leaving first thing in the morning. " I nod still looking at Casey body as wave of lust hits me as she lightly touches my arm when I don't respond with words.

" You okay? " she asks with concern and I want to grab her and kiss her again, but Rose wouldn't like that one bit. I also feel that Saga has tension with us getting back together.

" Maybe your tired from receiving your back memories so quickly ? " She pats my arm before turning towards Rose and smiling. I glare wanting her to turn her smile towards me. Oh jealousy is not a good feeling. Casey is mine and Rose should step back in the shadows like before. Admire from afar. I'm about to speak on it when a small child pushes pass me and clings to Casey's leg.

" Case why'd you leave. You missed the icecream and cake." the boy is basically climbing on her when she finally picks him up he was up to her waist.

" Oh sorry Nicki I had to talk to my friend. Grown up stuff. " His eyes grow big and he nods his head quickly.

" Oh okay. " he yawns then lays his head on her shoulder as a woman who looks like the child walks up.

" Sorry about him he seems to have grown attached to you my Queen. " she says with a tight smile.

" Oh its fine. He's so cute and he acts just like Athena. Her and Amanda will love him. " Casey states and I'm trying to figure out who  Athena and Amanda is.

" Well I should get them to bed. They've been so active all day. " Casey nods and hands her the little boy.

" Yeah we wake up to leave pretty early so they definitely need some sleep. " Casey states and the woman nods and walks away with the child.

" Whose Athena and Amanda? " I ask as we continue to walk.

" Oh Athena is my daughter and I guess Amanda is in a way too. " I stop and frown.

" You adopted them? "

" Well I adopted Athena. Amanda is a whole different story, but in a way she is my daughter. Her and Athena are my little princesses. Um well once we return home I will explain everything okay. " Casey smiles and stops. We've stopped at their room and I frown. Right they will be sleeping together.

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