chapter 23

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Sorry late update.

Hel's pov

Looking at the schedule I see everyone is suppose to be training right now. I should probably go too. Getting up as a human is a chore. I never realize that after a while of sitting that you need to crack you bones. I stretch and its like my bones ache. Wait how old did Casey make me. Looking in the mirror I look the same. Just when I'm about to leave the room there's a huge crash. I go to my window and see a guy and a girl fighting. Its Nina's twin and some other dude. She's on the ground trying to get up but he kicks her in the face. Then he kicks her in the ribs.

" What the fuck? " I whisper leaving my room quickly. Once I reach the training area his still kicking her. I mean damn is anyone gonna help her? But no everyone is training on their own. This is suppose to be a pack right. They help one another not kill each other in training. When I'm about to step forward she grabs a hold of his foot and he falls. I notice she has blood coming out of her nose as she gets up. When he tries to get back up she slams her foot on his ankle. And he yells in pain.

" Caleb remember you take down to immobilize not hurt. That way they won't be able to get up. To fight back. You break their legs their arms and you leave them immobilized. " He nods and she helps him up.

" Okay go to the infirmary. " he hobbles away.

" I thought you were a goner for a second. " she looks at me and frowns then shrugs

" You know I never caught your name. " I ask trying to make conversation.

" TALIA ! " Nina comes angrily over to us and pushes her.

" What? "

" Stop sending people to the infirmary. " she snaps and god damn does she need to keep snapping. Her angry face is fucking sexy.

" Wait what? " I say outloud and the twins turn to me.

" Oh Hel you're not suppose to be with Talia training. You're with Michelle. " she points to a group a teens and I frown. I'm not a child.

" Okay. " I grumble and walk over to them. Michelle is explaining something but I tune her out and look over to Nina. Whose still scolding her sister.

" Hel care to be apart of my demonstration? " I hear and snap my head back to Michelle. They're all looking at me.

" What? " I ask and they all laugh.

" Be quiet. " she says and they listen immediately.

" Come up here. I want to see just how much you retained from your deadly form. Maybe alot. Maybe none at all. " she shrugs. I get up and stand near her. I was expecting her to explain what would happen but she didn't. I didn't expect her to punch me full force in the face. I see her smirk and she whispers in my earfor only me to hear.

" That's for hurting Casey. I dont trust you nor will I ever trust you. One slip up and I will rip you to shreds. " she smiles sadly before I black out. Tsk weak human bodies.


Casey's pov

Walking into the dining room I feel a shift of attention. I go to my chair expecting to be seated by the kids. But instead I am at the head of the table. I frown I promised them I'd sit by them.

" Bring two chairs one on each side of me. " I tell a waiter pouring drinks. Once he sets them beside me I get up and walk to Nick and Anna. The young boy basically jumps into my arms as I tell them to come sit at my sides. Anna skipping happily. They look cute all dressed up. As I sit the food strays to be served.

" Case when I sit here its like I'm a prince. " Nick says then starts digging as soon as his food is set infront of him. I smile at his sloppiness. I hear people whisper about being to nice to the poor. I almost growl. But I contain it. I wont scare the kids. As I get my food I see Falen staring at me. I look back giving her a small smile. Vera is being greedy wanting her when we have Rose. But looking at her brings strong feelings back that I had gotten over. That we had gotten over. But just look at her. She's alive and looking as gorgeous as before. I keep staring even when she looks away. Admiring her beauty. She has a permanent scowl on her face that wasn't there before. Its like she's royally pissed everyday all day. Most likely at missing all the details of her pass life.

" Case are we gonna have dessert? Case can we have chocolate cake? And icecream! Case can we have icecream? " Nick asks me all at once and I see that he's eaten all his food. Not getting a drop on his nice outfit. He keeps poking my arm.

" Yes Nicki we can have chocolate cake. " I answer him and he smiles. I feel my heart constrict. He's so precious.

" And icecream? " Anna asks now finished with her food. I can't help but be happy. They are so adorable. Athena and Amanda will love them.
" Yes icecream too. " I tap her nose and she giggles. I call for the waiter and tell him the dessert for the night.

" Right away your highness. " he states and leaves quickly. Looking around I see everyone is eating happily no complaints about the food for sure. I look to Rose whose smiling and chatting with Revana. That makes me smile. If I wasn't in the mist of a crisis then this would be perfect. I look back at Falen who looking at me once again. I frown and look back at Rose. I'm being selfish but I want her back just as much as Vera. And I know Saga does too, but over anything we will make sure Rose is fine with this. Her opinion goes over all.

" Thinking hard ? " I hear to my left and look up to see Serenity.

" Yeah turns out I have to explain Falen pass life to her and one intimate moment can reconnect our bond. Vera wants to. Saga doesn't. And and I don't feel at one with myself anymore. I dont feel me. I I "

" Casey. " Serenity touches my shoulder lightly and clocks her head to the side smiling softly.

" You'll figure this out. You are at one. You will reconnect the bond and it wont hurt anyone. You'll find Tyler and end him for good. Not because you want to, but because you have too. " She then walks away when Falen walks up.

" We need to talk. Now. "

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