Chapter 28

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Rose pov

As soon as I left Casey I went to the lake. No one is there during this time. So I sit at the edge. Casey will be happy now. Falen's back and that's what she's always wanted in the first place.

" Are we really gonna give up. She's giving everything to be with us. She made a deal with the devil Rose. "

" Taylor Falen's back and Casey is bound to choose her over me. So why not give up. Vera explained to us that it's only a matter of time and I'll just be more hurt in the future if I think she'll stay with me. " Taylor growls

" You're being an idiot. Watch Casey won't run to Falen. She has her heart invested into you. Into us. And you just stomped on it when everything is getting tough. You know Tyler's back too. She has a daughter to protect. And you just give up because of what again? "

" Taylor I just don't want to get my heart torn to pieces. "

" How the hell are we gonna fight this hard just to fucking give up. Why the hell even try in the first place Rose !?"

" I thought we had a chance. "

" We still do. We just can't give up. She loves us and you know it. Casey is fighting for us. When usually it's us fighting for her. "

" But this isn't the same Casey we knew a year ago. She's different. She's all together now. Her and her wolf and demon are finally at peace. When one speaks they all speak. And Vera explained that they'll be going back to Falen and I won't stand in their way. "

" You're an idiot. "

" Taylor don't be that way. " Shaking my head I stand.

" Do us a favor and ask yourself why your standing in your own way of happiness. For Casey? For Falen? I think it's because never loved Casey. You loved the idea of her. A Wanderer and a Hybrid doesn't that sound exciting? See me I've loved Casey since I first saw her. And I'm apart of you and I will not give up so easily. So why are you? Was the idea that made you fight so hard ? Or was it that you did truly love her? " My eyes go big at the thought of only loving the idea of Casey. No it's not that way. I've always loved her. All of her. Her flaws and all. No matter what she did or does I will always love her.


" BECAUSE!!! "

" Rose? " I turn quickly to see Falen with a questioning look on her face.

" Are you okay ? "

" Yeah I'm fine. How long have you been standing there? " I ask because I didn't sense when she came over.

" Oh not long. Just to the point where you screamed. " She leans against at tree with her arms folded.

" Why are you out here? "

" Casey came back very distraught and only let Michele touch her. " I growl at the thought of Michele comforting her. They've been intimate and Michele has been there for her in her darkest times.

" I just came to ask why you broke your bond. You do know now she's free of you Hel can retract on her deal. It was while you two were mates that she even agreed. " I glare at her.

" Is that really your only reason to know why ? "

" Oh yes. Rose I've always respected you. You never gave up on Casey. You always fought no matter what. Hell I admired that about you. But now knowing that you just broke your bond just to give up. I now know your not brave or courageous. No you hm you are a coward. I do hope that once I get Casey back you will get no place near her or right beside her. Because you gave up and I don't want cowards whose scared to protect my love. " She smiles and turns to leave.

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