chapter 24

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Casey's pov

The library at the moment is vacant. Everyone is still at dinner I guess. She wants to speak but hasn't said a word since we entered here. She's just staring well more like glaring but with her lately I can't tell the difference. I guess I'll speak first.

" I

" Don't talk " she snaps and I tilt my head to the side. Didn't she say we need to talk? Not we need to stare at one another.

" I remember you. " she whispers turning around. That's good right?

" I remember your voice. I remember your touch. I remember when we first met. I remember when we first kissed and made love. I remember everything about you. I remember that I love you. " she turns back around crying while walking towards me

" I remember fighting for you and I remember dying for you. " we're about an inch apart and I want to cry.

" You've been the only thing I could remember. Even when I was in my child phase. Everything that happened to me revolved around you. But when I told my mother they just told me that it was nothing. But seeing you finally this close. I know its not nothing. I know you were my mate and I know you still are. So why are you mated to another? " she asks touching my hip and I'm lost for words. I didn't expect this. I didn't expect her to say any of this.

" Say something. " she asks after a while of us just staring into each other eyes.

" You didn't die for me. You were killed because of me and there is not a day that I regret putting you in danger. I regret to being able to protect you. And I regret that I didn't come and see you. " I wipe the tears from her cheek and smile.

" When I heard you were coming. I was so excited. I wanted meet you. Show you that I was older now that we can be reconnected, but you're mated. I saw it through your eyes. How you both looked at each other. At first I was hurt. Then confused and then I got mad. So mad. Why did you mate again. I can't find another beloved. There is only one. We I can't be with no one else. My heart my my mind and my body will not allow it. I will not allow it. " I realized I hurt her. Very badly. I step away and turn my back to her.

" We shouldn't have mated again. " Vera states quietly

" The pack was growing weak. We had to take action and I do not regret that Rose was our new mate. We love her. " Saga says hotly

" We hurt her. Her heart is aching. She can love no other. There is only one for her. Don't understand that? "

" Rose had no one in the beginning. From the very start. She is a wanderer. Do YOU understand that?"


" Enough. " I whisper, but my demand goes on deaf ears as they continue to argue making my head pound.

" ENOUGH " I yell at them.

" Do you two realize that Tyler isn't dead and we don't know where he is? Hm?" I question them

" And we are sitting here arguing about this. Now it is important but we have to prioritize. " I state and they go quiet.

" Falen we will be leaving in the morning. So right now I will reconnect our bond. " She smiles and I shake my head

" Only to bring back your memories quicker. So that way you will know who you were in the past. " She frowns

" I know I hurt you badly and I apologize and I said to myself I would allow Rose to decide, but she will most likely not be selfish and choose for me to be with you. So I am deciding now that that will not be happening. Not now anyways. So please don't be cross with me. " I explain and ask her hoping she understands.

" I understand. " she nods her head as if she's convincing herself. When she looks to me I know that she does. There is a look of resolve in her eyes.

" Don't hate me. " I say and she nods her head looking confused. I pull her closer and smile.

" I love you. " I say then kissing her softly and I push my emotions out on this kiss. And it only gets harder to not just mark her and run away from my problems as our bond reconnects. Everything around us shift. As I open my eyes I see Falen. I see her looking how she looked when we first met.

" Ive missed you darling. " she smiles and backs away from me.

" Ive missed you too Falen. " I whisper and she nods. That look of resolve still in her eyes.

" I didn't expect this though. "

" I did not either. " she states and I laugh

" We should head back. " I say going to open the door but she shuts it again. When I turn to ask her what's wrong she kisses me with so much raw emotion.

" I allowed Rose to get to close. Trusting her a bit to much. I allowed her to think that she had a chance. I allowed her to have a chance to sneak into your heart and snatch it from me, but I still see that your heart still belongs to me and right now she has you, but once Tyler is dealt with. You will be mine once more and I will be the only one that your heart yearns for. Do you understand? " she asks and my mind is still foggy from the kiss that I just whimper.

" I'm gonna take that as a yes. " She smiles then steps back and tilts her head to the side. I open the door and she nods then walks out.

" Well we didn't expect that either did we ? Vera laughs

" Shut up Vera!" Saga and I say in unison

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