Chapter 29

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Rose's Pov

Casey's sitting at her desk looking at something intently a book. Suddenly she growls and throws the book.

" How the fuck am I suppose to learn this shit its not even in English!!? And google translate isn't helping at all. " She then shakes her head and gets quite most likely listening to Vera or Saga.

" I know its a demonic language but google is saying satanic shit and I know for a fact its not talking about fucking Lucifer. " growling even louder than before the door to get office opens.

" Sweetie are you okay ? "

" Oh mom thank god. What the hell is this saying? " She picks the book up and shows her.

" Casey this is a summoning ritual. Why do you need this ? "

" No reason. " she states quickly and begins to leave.

" Casey !" She grabs her arm

" I just want to talk to Hel. Make a better deal I can't not do something. She's my mate and it wasn't' suppose to be this way. "

" You can't even read the summing spell ? How do you expect to get a good deal from Hel? "

" Im not summoning her now mom. Im weak I just got Saga back and I need to show that I'm whole finally and not 3 different parts. I will grow and learn what all this says. I just needed to know that this was it. So when I am ready there will be no looking around for this spell. "

" Hm. " her mother smiles.

" What ? "

" Nothing just my baby is finally growing into a woman. Living and learning making plans a steps. Im proud. " she then pulls her into a hug and kisses her forehead. Then suddenly darkness and im back in my room.

" You see she didn't give her life for yours. She didn't kill herself to be with her love. She kept living and devised a plan to get you back without offering her life knowing she was gonna lose it. She became strong. What was once a deer caught in headlights is now the Alpha wolf. She won't be giving up anytime soon. So the fact that you did makes me believe that you only wanted the weak Casey. You wanted to protect her when she is suppose to protect you. She is your Alpha she is a Queen to hundreds of thousands and obviously you can't handle that. You can't live for her and in a way I should have known. " She pats my hand and gets up to leave.

" I'm sorry . " she stops and shakes her head.

" You should be. " then she leaves closing the door behind her.

" I think I need to do the same. I need to grow up. "

" As old as you are and you need to grow up tch. Now you think of that hm. What made you think that hm? The fact that we are alone once again. After years of fucking searching place to fucking place and we find her yes she's way younger than us centuries actually but she's mature. So we wait. We protect her. We show her we are worthy to be close to her. We show her we can love her. And that she can love us. And she chooses us. We loose her and it killed us. But to finally have her back and you leave her? Grow up you say. Please do. "

" Tay-

" Don't apologize anymore. Just do like you say. Be about it. " I nod and start to pack. I think its time I leave. As I get outside Michelle walks up to me and smiles. Then frowns seeing my suitcase.

" You're leaving ? "

" Yeah " As I walk pass her she grabs my arm

" I don't think you should. " I frown

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