chapter 15

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Casey's pov

                   1 week later

" You ready. " Michelle asks and I nod.

" Yeah. " I walk out onto the platform and I look at the people. My people. Athena and Amanda sitting in the front. I will be taking care of Amanda until we can find her brother. He has disappeared and no one has seen him since Tyler took over the Vampire kingdom. But I have scouts all over the place. He will be found sooner or later I hope.

" Hey guys. Its good to be back officially. First I want to apologize for my actions. They were selfish. I wasnt the only one to lose someone. My first thoughts were fear. Then revenge. I let a emotions control me way to much. I should have used my head. I left you all in the dark. Lots of you lost your mates and brothers and sisters. You lost your mom or dad. Hell maybe both. Or maybe all. Some of you are pregnant or have had your pups and you dont have your family. Yet I left so easily. Im sorry. You are all loyal to me. Yet I wasnt even thinking of you. And for that I am a terrible alpha and I am a terrible Queen. But that's all in the past. This pass week I have been working to fix what I have messed up. I have fixed our war with the Vamps. We are no longer fighting them. I have gotten construction going with the help of you all of course and I have moved the pack a bit closer to the demon kingdom. So I can handle business without leaving you all. At the moment you all need your alpha and I need all of you. We must grow stronger together. I have set up better training so we never get caught in the dark. This past week I have seen that I was stuck being a child when what I really needed to be was an adult. I tried to run away at every problem but not anymore. I am here to serve you all. I am here to serve my daughter and I will not stray away from you all ever again. " Everyone stands and cheers. Its time we do better. Vera. You ready for adulthood.

" Yes. " Vera says happily.  I nod  and walk off the stage. This week has been hectic but I think I handled it well. I see Serenity walking my way.

" Alpha! I found it. Follow me." she says excitedly and I look to Michelle and Revana. They look as confused as me. So I shrug and follow. Athena and Amanda jumping up and following me.

" Serenity what's up? Why are you so excited? " I ask when I see her. She's in my office holding a huge book.

" Since Tyler took saga. Well he said he did anyways. I've been searching a way he could do that. And there is no way he could. None what so ever. Do you know what that means? " she sets the book down and turns towards us.

" Mm no but your gonna tell me right. " I cross my arms.

" Come on Casey think. If he can't take Saga then what. " She taps the book. I look at the book. Its a sealing spell. I look at the spiral tattoo on my chest. And it clicks. Why the hell would Tyler know how to do a level spell this high.

"  You think he sealed her ? " I touch my chest and she nods.

" Yeah. And I know exactly what spell he could use. " she changes the page and shows me a low level. But it shouldn't  be able to seal Saga.

" Then how is it holding? " she turns the page to a strengthening spell

" Its easy. I can easily weaken it. Shit I can probably take it off totally. My question was why it didn't wear off when May killed  him. So I looked into the spell a bit more and it seems that the strengthening spell can only be taken off by that person or you yourself have to kill him. Since you didn't do that. "

" You can't do anything. " I interrupt her

" Mm I can't but you and Vera can. Remember you pulled in that emotion. You can pull her out. "

" Okay but how? I mean she's seal. I can't just say of come on saga lets go. Now can I. " I snap and she shakes her head.

" Come on. Lets go to your room. "

" Why?" I ask stopping her at the door.

" Casey to lay you down. Remember. You can't support your weight if your mind is occupied. Now lets go. " she grabs my arm and pulls me to my room. Shutting behind us right in everyone faces.

" Mm they can't be in here. " I sit on the bed and she nods.

" Mm to much commotion you wouldn't be able to focus. " she says as she sets candles up. They smell like apples and cinnamon. 

" That's sagas scent it should calm her. " I lay back.

" Why would she be uncalm. "

" Because Casey she's trapped in your fears. " I nod and sigh.

" Are you ready ? " She asks

" Ready Vera ?" I ask outloud

" Yes. " I nod and fall into darkness only the smell of apples and cinnamon guiding me. I feel a hand touch my shoulder but I dont feel threatened. I look behind me and I only see well me.

" You seem lost. "

" Wait who are you ?"

" I am you. Come on follow me. " I dont know if I should or not but I am.

" So where are we going. " I ask and we stop suddenly. A door appears out of know were a step back.

" Look through here. " she steps back for me to step forward and I shrug. Looking through the door. I dont see anything but darkness. When I turn to ask what's up with this. She pushes me in. And I fall into a void.

" WHAT THE HELL ?" I scream yo at her and she shrugs.

" WATCH YOUR BACK. IN YOUR FEARS YOU CAN'T TOUCH ANYONE. " she yells at me and shuts the door all light leaves. And I am officially surrounded by pitch blackness.

" I'm not scared of the dark. " I say outloud to myself. Then I feel something touch my arm

" But you are afraid of what's in the dark. " something raspy whispers into my ear and I scream. Trying to run. But its attach to me. Its wicked laugh in my ear.


Okay hey guys sorry for the late update. Ill do better hope you enjoyed this chapter. Anywhos as always.



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