chapter 32

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Important do not skip.

This chapter is a little more violent and so if you don't like violent things please do not read. Okay. With love guys.

Casey's pov

" So I'm guessing you'd like to know how I got you trapped in here. Hm Tyler. Would you like me to tell you. Or should we skip straight to you getting beheaded by Leeza? "

" Yes that would make thing a bit less confusing. " He says through clenched teeth.

" Well it all started with you. You kinda blew your cover with all the checking up on Hel. You didn't realize that she fell hard for Nina did you. She wants her so bad that she was willing to tell me everything. " I walk closer and closer to him with each word until our faces are only inches apart. He only stares back not saying a single word.

" The day you decided to fuck with me. Was really when you fucked up though. Haven't you noticed that every single partner you've had has turned on you. To join me. And honestly I'm over this idiotic little war with me. For what reason other than jealous. " I can feel his eyes glaring at the back of my head as I walk away. Then he starts laughing a sick and twisted laugh as if he knew something I didn't.

" And here I thought you knew something I didn't. But let me tell you something you didn't know. I made a deal with a fucking Goddess. And she may be human now but all those idiotic feelings and emotions she has will go away as soon as the contract with you is up. So kill me but ill be back because a deal is a deal when it comes from Hel. " I can't help but to ponder on that idea in is little brain but then I realize it does matter because with the contract I renewed. He'll never be able to come back. So I don't entertain him.

" Serenity bring us up to the training area where everyone is waiting. " With that we are before all of my pack and there are cameras for the ones who wish to watch but can't come. Its a live event.

" Are you sure we can't kill him? " Vera questions and I hear Saga grunt in agreement.

" No we can't. She deserves to kill him. She has been waiting a very long time. So why not. He'll be dead and out of our lives for good. We'll make sure of that. " Vera only sighs and stays quiet. I walk to the chair that has been set aside for me and I see Athena already sitting there.

" Sweetheart this isn't for children. Go play with Amanda and the others. " She looks up at me and shakes her head.

" I've seen people die before. And I want to see this man die because he hurt you mommy. He hurt alot of people. "

" I know you've seen people die but that's because you were with people who did not care for you but I do. I love you and you're my baby. So listen to mommy and go play with Nicki. " I pick her up and set her on the ground. As soon as I sit down she sits on my lap.

" You are my mommy. So that means I'll see note blood shed in the future. So it doesn't matter if I see it now. " Casandra comes to grab her and I glare.

" Don't touch her. " I growl loudly and the excitement dies down and all attention is on me. Casandra backs away and puts her head down. Im keeping her alive for her kids sake and the fact that she is literally the only thing keeping Matthew alive. I nod to Revana and it begins.

" For the crimes against our Alpha and Queen your fate has been decided. You will be beheaded. For the crimes against the Queen of the Faerie Kingdom it has been decided before you are beheaded your wolf will be strip from you. For your crimes against The Vampire kingdom it has been decided that after you pass your soul will be captured and you will be forever stuck in a Purgatory. With no way to absolve for your sins. You have many other crimes that you have committed. That is why your judgment has been so harsh. Before all of this is set we will allow you a few minutes to speak your mind and then it will begin. " Revana steps back and starts a timer set for five minutes.

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