chapter 9

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Kayla's pov

" We're finally here " Nina states  from the front

" Yeah now remember I am you guys alpha so dont get out of character ever one misstep and everything crumbles okay " I say to Tax and Nina an I already spoke with Yusuf, Andrea , and Talia

" Yes alpha " Nina says seriously and I smile good. Some man walks up motioning us to roll the windows down and Tax looks at me. I nod

" Yes is there a problem " Tax asks

" Uh no you um we have to get all rogues to turn to a alternate rode"

" And how do you know we are rogues. " he asks and the man obvious not liking my talking to him for to long shivers

" Well you have a strong aggressive smell coming off of you so I just thought I help you guys go the right way before they make you turn around. " She states quickly looking behind us and Tax turns to me and I nod

" Alright show us the way " Tax says rolling the window back up and once the man steps back into his car we follow and after 20 minutes of driving down a long road we come up to the back entrance to the castle and as we come up to the gate it opens letting us through no problems

" Alright guys you know what to do " I says and they nod I can see Yusuf, Talia, and Andrea has already gotten out and Tax opens my door helping me out. The guy from earlier staring hard at me his eyes glazed over

" Well thank you for the help earlier um "

" Caleb my names Caleb Waters " he rushes

" Okay well thanks I can see where to go from here "

" You're  welcome " He says as we walk off

" Alpha says here everyone should head to meet Tyler before they get settled in " Talia tells me as we walk into the castle doors. Looking over to the sign I nod

" Okay lets go then " I shrug and as we walk everyone stares some trying to contain there wolves others staring in lust

" Hello can I help you. " A beautiful woman with brown hair and big brown eyes walks up to us

" Yes the sign back there says we have to meet Alpha Tyler before we settle in. " I answers her

" Oh yes this way " she says smelling me as I walk pass her and I look I to her eyes she trips on air I guess cause she slams into me and we tumble to the ground and she inhales me once more

" I'm so sorry I I do t know what happened " she stutters jumping off of me and Andrea pulls me up

" Are you alright Alpha " she asks and I nod looking to the woman I see she has disappeared hm weird

" Yes I'm fine lets go " I say walking the way the strange woman told us and we come up to some huge closed doors and I shrug pushing them open and as I do everything stops


Tyler's pov

A strong aggressive scent slams into my nose as the doors in the back come open making everyone turn to the group. The one in the front comes to a halt and so does her entourage

" Well come sit down " I say into the microphone and I think she nods and comes to the front the scent getting stronger and stronger as she comes near

" As I was saying in order to take down both kingdoms we must take what's keeping them strong. Which is their alpha and Queen Casey. " I state as the groups sits directly infront of the scent making my wolf become very afraid that I shiver

" Do you know where she is. " someone yells from the back and I shake my head

" No but we have a lead. Her Beta came back without her so I'm pretty sure she knows exactly what's going on "

" What if she doesn't "

" How will we capture her "

" Why do you hate her so much " everyone yells and I can't hear all the questions

" Enough I wil-"

" How will you pay all of us " someone interrupts me and that gets everyone screaming. Fuck why can't the listen

" Because they're rogues remember " my wolf Ben states the obvious

" HEY ENOUGH " the girl from earlier yells in alpha tone making everyone submit with the amount of power she put in it even me

" He was speaking so all of you shut the fuck up and listen " she growls out and I'm try to stand but Ben has taken over still submitting to her and as she turns to me she nods her head and I'm able to gain control once more

" Right well thank you um "


Kayla pov

" Kayla sir " I almost shiver with rage at being this close to him Vera and my own want to rip him to shreds now almost coming out
" Thank you Kayla " he thanks me smiling brightly

" You're  welcome sir " I say and he nods looking back to the people who are scared shitless of me

" Alright everyone to their rooms we will start training as a whole tomorrow " Tyler states and people look to me. Phase 1, get them to know who has the real power, complete . Now for phase 2 gaining his trust

" I said to your rooms " He yells and they look at me once before leaving. I see a familiar face looking at me. Huh Rose ? I walk forward but she disappears what the fuck I'm seeing shit. Stay focus I shake my head

" Wait all of you " Tyler says and I turn around

" Yes sir "

" You are the leader right " he asks and I nod

" And you want to be apart of my pack " he asks and I smile

" Of course sir I want to be on your side when Casey comes " I say like a fucking idiot

" Why is that " he asks yet another question

" Because sir Casey killed my family and I will never forget that day " I whisper letting a tear slip from my eye and he nods

" Hm seems we have common ground then. You can go to your rooms now. " he says walking away as a small girl rubs into the room. Phase 3, kidnap the child. I smirk nodding to everyone to follow me.

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