chapter 11

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Tyler's pov

" Wake up !" I am slapped with water.

" Huh what " I try to move but I can't. Hm what happened. Wait

" Amanda !" I scream looking around hastily. Holy shit.

" I killed you. I saw you die. Why are still alive Rose. " I ask and she shakes her head Revana coming in from behind her.

" Oh you thought she died. Thats funny a really funny story actually. You see I slowed her heart beat enough to were you didn't notice. Once you left and Casey's mother came I made sure they saved her. " Revana explained and I shake my head

" Where is Amanda ? Where is Herrick ? " I want to know where they are. The people I care about most.

" Oh Herrick he's with us. He helped us actually. Ha funny how you thought he'd let you fuck with him like that. Oh and your daughter and wife was taken by Casey most likely. We'll find them. The thing is you may not be alive to see them. " Rose laughs at the last part and I wiggle. Fuck how did this happen I had everything planned. If only I noticed before. I need to be careful if I want to live.

" Rose can I see Herrick " I ask as polite as I can and she shakes her head

" Nope I don't like you what so ever. So why would you think is let you spend time with him. Plus he doesn't want to see you. "

" WHY THE HELL NOT ! " I screech forgetting that I am in no place to yell and scream.

" Because you are a disgusting horrible person. " Revana answers me before they both leave out.

Rose pov

Once we leave out I smile. Yes I finally got him. Now all I need is to find Casey.

" Victor are the any leads on where Casey went. " I ask him as he walks up to me.

" Yes she went west towards a small pack and has stopped there. Do you want me and my team to go in for you." I shake my head.

" No I'll go in thanks for the information. " I wave him away he nods before leaving.

" Revana, Michelle, and Serenity you're all with me let's go. " they nod jumping in the car.

" Can't wait to see Casey I missed her so much. " Revana says happily and I smile nodding my head in agreement.

" You guys should be careful. Casey is really unstable. She thinks she's fine but she's this close to be consumed by her rogue state. Its frightening and we need to stay calm for her to stay calm. " Michelle tells us and I nod.

" I don't want to upset her and I just want her to come home. Thats all. " I say and Michelle nods stiffly after that silence consumes the car and its tense. Its obvious that Michelle loves Casey more than she should. And Casey thinking I'm dead. They definitely got intimate I felt it. I felt her making love to my Casey. I let a small growl out.

" Rose you alright ? " Revana asks concerned I nod.

" Im fine. " I growl out looking at Michelle.

" Nows not the time to fight Rose. Calm down. " Taylor states and I nod. Right another time.

" Okay guys we'll be there in a couple of hours. " they nod and once again we are left in a tense silence.

           3 hours later

We come up on a pack and I can't seem to smell Casey. I get out the car smelling the air, but I can't fucking catch her scent.

" Her rogue is over powering her scent. She's this was follow me. " Michelle states and I almost let a growl slip. Another time Rose another time.

" Max where's Casey. " She asks a well built man. He must be the alpha of this pack.

" She's in the house. " he answers her pointing towards the main house. A small girl runs pass us almost knocking us over to jump on Michelle

" Your back ! " the small girl yells happily hugging Michelle.

" Yeah you know where mommy is. " the little girls eyes get big

" Mommies back " she whispers and Michelle nods.

" Yeah Athena you didn't know. I think she's been back for hours. " Michelle sets the girl down and she bolts towards the house. Michelle follows

" Wait Michelle whose kid is that ? " I ask confused, but my question is answered as Casey comes out and the small girl jumps into Casey's inviting arms.

" Mommy  I missed you so much. " Athena says loudly.

" Missed you too baby. Did they treat you good ? " she asks. She still hasn't noticed us as Michelle walks up towards her. She sets Athena down. And Michelle hugs her tightly whispering something in her ear and I contain my anger as Casey eyebrows furrow looking towards Revana and I. Her eyes growing big. Tears streaming down her face.

" R Rose " her voice cracks and I smile stepping forward. She jumps back shaking her head.

" You're dead. I saw you die. I felt you die. I. I. " she chokes on her words as she backs she trips and almost falls but Michelle catches her. Making me growl. Each time she touches her I get pissed.

" HEY don't growl. I told you stay calm. " Michelle tells me and I swallow my growl and nod.

" Look Casey she's not dead she's alive. Revana saved her. She

" She saved her from the fucking dead Michelle. Don't fucking play with me " Casey yells and I finally notice that the strong rogue smell is coming from getting strong as she gets angrier.

" Casey calm down. Im here for you. " Michelle whispers lightly stroking her cheek. My eye twitches. Mine.

" How am I suppose to know this isn't a trick to get Tyler's fucking child back huh. " she screams

" Because Casey. He wouldn't be able to come near you. He would be to scared. The smell that you get when you are angry immobilizes all those who are anger you. I would never anger you. " she whispers hugging her and I finally notice that I can't move.

" Casey please you have to believe that I'm here for you. I am alive for you. I love you. " I cry and she looks at me walking slowly forward.

" I missed you. I thought were dead. " I hug her tightly not ready to ever let her go. I won't either.

" I'm sorry you thought that. I'm so sorry. " I cry into her neck.

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