chapter 22

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Casey's pov

" Look Anna ! Look ! Its the palace. " Nick jumps up and down. Both the kids look at the palace in amazement.

" Nick calm down. " His mother Casandra says as she gets out the car. She grabs ahold of them both.

" My Queen. How was your day. Were you able to attend to business properly. " I turn my attention away from them as the go on and on and see a young girl.

" Oh yes I was. Well kinda. Um your name? " I ask

" My names Charlie. " I frown then look closely at the girl.

" You're a boy? " I ask

" Um yes My Queen. " I look at Rose to see an amused smile on her face.

" Hm right well. I want to see the princess. " He nods and starts to walk.

" Taylor. Chance. " he calls and two guards walk up then salute.

" Sir. " they say in unison.

" Grab the Queens companions belongings please and take them to a room close to the Queens room. Also tell my father that the Queen has returned. "

" Yes Sir. " they salute then walk to type SUVs.

" You're the Generals son aren't you. I was told that you were beautiful. I just didn't know that you took all your beauty from your mother. " I state as I walk at his side. Though I'm significantly taller than him. So I have to look down at him.

" Yes I am way more in touch with my feminine side than most men.  Plus being the size of an 14 year old girl even though I know im quite older than you doesn't help much does it?" 

" No it doesn't . " I laugh and he smiles.

" Anyways We got your message earlier. You know the princess has grown quite a bit this past year.  Once we past our first life. We age quicker the second time around. Being Fae and all. Oh well you know that. " I nod as we round the corner.

" Princess Falen should be around here somewhere. " he states looking into a room on the left of the hall.

" Princess please. We must have you ready and packed. Queen Casey will be taking you with her when she leaves. So that she can teach you

" I couldnt care less what the Queen wants to teach me. " Turning I see Falen. Well a younger version. Walking the other way. She looks the exact same though. Tall gorgeous and long beautiful auburn hair. I smile.

" I mean its not like out of this whole year she came to see me. Why is she even Queen. When im the princess. My parents are suppose to be ruling until I come of age. Like this doesn't even makes sense. " she rants. Frowning I turn to Charlie.

" You all haven't told her. " I turn to Charlie confused.

" Her parents thought it best to let you explain. I mean this is her second life. And its only been a year. Her memories haven't returned just yet. And well you're her beloved. "

" What?! She's only what like 16 and her memories haven't come back right? So let me put this into perspective. This is her second life. She's growing rapidly. By the end of this year she will be hm atleast 21. Her memories will flood back because that's the age in which her body will finally be physically stable. At which she will stop aging rapidly. And you all just decided hey we should wait to tell her about her own previous life ?!? " Rose grabs my hand rubbing it gently.

" My Queen she is your beloved. She will take this better from you. " I frown. Confused a bit.

" I don't feel our bond Charlie. We are no longer mated anymore. She died. Remember "

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