chapter 4

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Casey's pov

" Kill her "

" Shut the fuck up " I screech outloud as I drop Andrea before Rogue thoughts makes me angry and hurt her

" Why should I she dare challenge you she dare fight you "

" Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up " I say repeatedly punching the ground

" Michelle no step back before you get hurt " I hear a voice say but I'm to consumed in trying to keep myself from shifting while angry

" See people think we are dangerous Rogue stop this nonsense " Vera scolds and he gasp

" Me no I would never make us look dangerous its you all who won't accept me if you just accept me and stop denying me then you wouldn't go rogue when you shift dammit Ive been telling you all this for weeks now " He says and I shake my head

" Why do you mean you are Rogue you are the reason I become so angry you are the reason I almost kill because of anger YOU " I state talking to myself

" That is because you won accept me if you just accept me then you won't feel anger " Rogue says

" What do you mean you are but a figment that has taken place in our mind since Saga was taken from us " Vera states and I feel Michelle's hand on my back making me calm and I notice that everyone is tense so I shake the conversation Vera and Rogue is having out of my head hearing only the end of what Rogue says

" Saga will never return she is gone forever " He states as if its true but I know there is a way I must hurry and find the situation but first I must as he says accept him if he is right

" I'm okay Andrea ready for round 2 " I ask and she nods

" um Alp I mean mom are you okay " Athena asks tugging on my arm and I nod

" Yeah sweety im fine now " I say happily its been a whole month and I think Ive gotten better at controlling Rogues anger maybe now I can accept him yes I will I think to myself closing my eyes

" Casey are you ready " Andrea asks and I open my eyes

" Yes " I say Rogue yipping happily as I shift

" Casey are you sure " Vera asks

" Yes. Im following our instincts like you said " I think as Andrea shifts as well shaking her Auburn fur before taking on the stance I taught her earlier today before I taught her she had a firm stance but it was weak when she got hit to quickly

" You got this Andrea " Her brother Andy calls out but she doesn't stop looking at me good I think as I bark at her and she barks back attacking first I move but she still manages to nip my ear and I swat her away as gently as I can and jumps away just in time

" Quit playing around Andrea " Timothy yells it making her loss concentration and I pounce on her growling loud letting her know she has lost and she must submit

" Fuck Timothy how about you shut the hell up sometimes " she says after we shift back

" Not my fault you can't fight " He states as if it were true but in reality he is the one who can't fight and I giggle at that fact

" What are you laughing about " he asks as he notices me and I shrug not really caring to get in an argument with the pup

" I asked you what's so funny " he snaps grabbing my arm and my anger can't be contained Fuck why do I always have no control over my wolf or demon

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