Chapter 18

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Casey's pov

"You hm yes that's why I came. But I didn't come for a duplicate of you. I want the real thing... I want you. " She steps forward. Rose growls a bit.

" Of course. You want the real thing and can't you easily take us. I mean you're Death. You take peoples lives on the daily. So why don't you just take me. " I walk to her. Closing the gap between us. Staring into her eyes. Looking for any type of emotion. She stares back.

" That's not how I work. It has to be a deal. Like Rose giving her life for yours. "I turn and sit on the desk.

" Right a deal... Mm I know. How about You live here as one of the pack members for 3 months as a human. If you develop any type of feeling for my pack. You leave without anyone at your side. " She smiles.

" Ha you think I'll gain feelings for your pack if I stay here for 3 months. Okay what if I win then huh. "

" Oh you'll get me. "


Hel's pov

" You..Okay but... Darling are you sure you know how I work. I'm death for a reason. I can't have emotions. That would make my job harder don't you think. " I look at her and she shrugs.

" You won't be death. You'll be human. " I nod crossing my arms. Watching as she looks at Rose with nothing but love in her eyes. She quite intriguing and I want her. This will be easy.

" Deal. " as soon as I say deal. She turns her eyes now blood red.

" This may hurt a bit. " Her voice sounding strange. She bits my neck and her claws are inside me. I feel alot more than a little bit of pain. When she's done she holds me. Her eyes a swirl of colors. Something stabs at my heart. She's speaking. I can't hear. Everything goes black.

My body hurts. My hearts beating. I think my ears are bleeding. Wait heart beating. Fuck I'm human. I sit up to see a woman long wavy brown hair and big brown eyes. Her back is to me.

" You know its rude to stare. " She turns and hands me a cup.

" Drink. It'll help with the pain. " Once she says pain I feel a sharp pain on my left side.

" See now drink. " she pushes the cup to my lips and I do as she says. Its horrible. I spit it out.

" What is this... Poison. Fuck. That's disgusting. " She laughs. Which weirdly sounds like music to my ears.

" Its not suppose to be good. Its suppose to help with the pain. " She pours me some more.

" Now drink this time. Don't spit it out. " she leaves and I drink this disgusting crap. I set the cup on the bed side table. She comes back with a mop and hands it to me.

" You make a mess. You clean it "

" But I'm in pain. "

" Are you ? " She pokes my side. I expect to feel a sharp pain put none comes.

" Told you it helps with the pain. Now mop. "I shrug and clean the mess. She watches.

" I see your awake. Thanks Nina. Oh I think you sis is looking for you." Hm Nina. She smiles widely and nods. For fucks sakes does everyone love Casey. I frown.

" So how you feeling ? " Casey asks and my heart skips a beat and I feel my skin burn up. As she lifts my shirt.

" I.. Um.. Fine. " I squeak out. And step back. She laughs.

" So you are human. Hm good it worked. "

" What did you do to me. " I find my voice

" Follow me and I'll explain. " I nod

"As I said before Ive been working in my magic. And since Vera and I got Saga back its been easier. She knocked some sense into our head as well. Telling us not to give up on Rose. Because she didn't give up on us. So I kinda lied to you. My initial plan wasn't to make a duplicate of myself. It was to trick you into agreeing into being a human. " she stops to quickly and I walk into her.

"Why? How will me being a human help you? " She turns and looks into my eyes. I gulp and stare into hers. Her eyes are a swirl of colors. I can see so much in them. My heart starts beating rapidly when she smiles. Her face seems to glow as she looks behind me. I turn to see Rose. Of fucking course.

" Hey babe. " Casey kisses her cheek and I can't hell but to frown.

" Hey Casey. Hel. Are you guys done. "

" Oh no. Right let me finish. Okay you see. Humans a very complex beings. They have so many emotions and feelings that its hard to explain how those two are two different things. Humans are really interesting if you think about it. They fight over silly things like religion and money. Then try to push their ideals on every one else. They think they're the most intelligent being on earth. And oh Anyway I'm going off topic. What I'm saying is. You are a human now. And you will develop feeling and gain emotions from this experience. You already have... With me. I'm not being cocky either. But I don't count. You were already some what intrigued as you like to say by me. So if you were to gain feeling for me and only one else then you would win. But once you gain feelings for this pack or anyone in it then I win. You understand. " She explains. I nod.

" You really are something else. " I shake my head.

" You had me tricked from the beginning. So you've been planning this for a year huh. " She nods and laughs.

" Yup. Though it took about 4 months to figure out how I was going to pull it off. "

" So you think this is a fool proof plan. You know now that I know exactly what you've been planning I'm going to fight my human feelings and emotions. "

" Go ahead no ones going to stop you. Though you are apart of this pack. So you will have to participate in training and a chore. Also I won't always be here. Just so you know. "

" Well of course. You are the Queen of Two kingdoms. " I nod my head and she grabs Rose's hand

" Yes and I have to make up for lost time as well. I also have two kids to care for, and I need to find Matthew. So that being said I'm actually quite busy. "

" Alpha. Sorry to interrupt you but everyone is waiting in the conference room. " Casey turns to the woman and nods.

" Thank you Michelle. Come on Hel time to introduce you to the pack. "

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