chapter 30

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Casey's pov

" What you said keep her here. " Michelle looks at me as if I didn't say no harm comes to Rose.

" So you throw her through a door? Which is now broken. " I think I'm getting a migraine.

" That can be fixed. Plus she's not really hurt. Just some dirt here and there and there's nothing wrong with a little rough housing. " sighing I grab the contract with Hel and start to make a few adjustments.

" Okay fine. Just give me the daily reports. "

" Okay. Well it turns out Matthew has a memory block. Serenity said only the one who cast the spell that blocks his memory can fix it. " I sigh. I was hoping that want the case.

" Does she have any idea who could do this to an Alpha? "

" She doesn't have a clue. Not many witches are that powerful to keep it going even after he is so far away from them. So I think its Casandra. "

" Casandra? Why would you think its her? "

" Well its obvious that Anna and Nick are his children. I had Richard give them DNA test and they are directly related to Matthew. So maybe when Tyler took him he already had this planned. Has is witch mistress keep close to him to have the spell active at all times. And since he thinks he loves her he wouldn't question her about his half memories. "

" Wait. Half memories ? " she looks at me then clears her throat.

" Well I may have asked him some personal questions. "

" Michelle you may be on to something. You next task is to watch Casandra closely without being detect understand. Also send out a mass message to all allies to be on the lookout for Tyler and anything suspicious. " I stand up and lookout the window. Anna and Amanda are painting their nails and nick and Athena are chasing each other. It seems that the kids are getting along which is good. Should I tell them that they are brother and sisters or wait till this is all over. Ill have to think about that.

" Casey? " Michelle says my name as if she's worried. So I turn and smile.

" Thats all. Dismissed. " She nods then bows leaving the room. Lets hope Casandra isn't the witch. Also I hope this teaks me a step closer to finally killing Tyler. This has gone on too long.

" What are you thinking about? " Looking up I see Falen smiling at me from the doorway. I sigh and leave the room making her back up as I close the door.

" Just hoping to deal with Tyler as soon as possibly. " I start walking in the direction of the kitchen.

" Hm Alpha and Queen duties to be done as always huh. " she states more than asks.

" Yeah and about Queen duties I will be signing you kingdom over to you since you are in your right mind now. Which happened sooner than expected. " I open the fridge and grab some stuff to make a sandwich.

" Yes well how about you hang onto my kingdom for awhile. I kinda like relaxing and being able to be near you and once I sign those papers it'll all go away. Especially since we are no longer mated. Even though you are meant to be with me. " Looking at her I frown. If only things had been different. If only I dint hope. My big mouth. Tyler would have have whole pack. I would have chosen Falen and none of this would have happened.

" Yeah well we didn't so no point in think on the what ifs. Mmkay. " Saga snaps me out of my thoughts and I laugh.

" Yeah your right. " Falen smiles knowing im having a conversation with myself.

" Well what about it? Could I relax here with you until returning to queenly duties my love? " I nod and continue to make my sandwich.

" Yeah of course. Relax as long as you like. Just don't cause anymore trouble. "

" Trouble? I would never. " she smirks then leaves. Letting me know very well there will be trouble. Great. "

" Mommy I want a sandwich too. " I hear Athena as she tugs on my shirt. She's covered in dirt and so is Nick.

" Wow look at my dirty lil pups. You all need baths. " Athena laughs as I pinch her cheek.

" We played warriors mommy. We took done bad guys and our wolves howled all night. " I smile this little girl is my baby.

" Really now I might have to play sometimes. "

" Yeah you can be the queen we protect. " Nick jumps up and down

" Awe Nicky you'll protect me. " he nods and walks closer to me. Thinking his giving me a hug I open my arms he only steals my sandwich and runs so does Athena

" No bath for warriors only food. " they yell as they ru out the room. I can only laugh and shake my head. Cute.

Hel's pov

" So you just dealt with bringing soul to the underworld all your life. " Nina asks as she throws a grape my way to catch

" Well as far back as I can remember in this human form. " I answer after catching it in my mouth

" Oh hm are you having fun as human?" I shrug.

" Well not many people like me so I kinda just spend time with you. " she smiles

" Are you having fun with me ? " she suddenly gets close and I get real hot.

" W wwell yeah. I mean of course. " I say then laugh. With that answer she only gets closer and my eyes go wide. My body goes stiff. Is she going to kiss me. Her eyes are closed and lips puckered. They look soft and inviting. I lean in heart beating against and as soon as I get close ready to close my eyes Tyler pops up behind her smiling evilly and shaking his head back and forth slowly. His eyes are glowing slightly and I remember why im here. So I stand up and clear my throat. Nina frowns.

" I have chores to do. Bye. " with that I leave going to my room. Once there I shut the door and lock it. Closing my blinds and crossing my arms.

" How do you forget the plans so quickly. Hel its like you want to be human. " he walks from the corner of the room.

" Hey humans have the memory of a goldfish. Anyways with how many times you come here ill never forget. "

" Well I do have to keeps tabs on my children don't I. Anyways they are not why im here. Hel she's changed the contract up. "

" What? "

" No its a good thing trust me. Now she's also put her little dog Michelle on Casandra and we can't have that. "

" Okay what can I do about that. "
" Keep her away from her. "

" How? She hates me. "

" So seduce her. Confess fake feelings anything to keep her off of Casandra okay. " I nod

" Good. Well until next time. " with that he leaves I open my blinds and see Nina talking to her twin Talia. Guess ill have her hating me too. Fucking human emotions. I walk out my room slamming the door.

Authors note

Okay. So back at it again. Sorry about the no updates but hope you like it and as always



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