chapter 14

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Casey's pov

" Who are you? " Rogue asks and I sit silently in the background. I don't feel like I should be like this though. Shouldn't I be the one to ask that. What's going on ? I feel myself fade with each second. Is something wrong. Is this how its suppose to be. What's my name. I can't remember. Anything.

" Casey. I am death but you can call me Hel. " wait so I'm Casey right. Why is she asking me I'm just the subconscious. I am. Wait. Who am I again.

" Well Hel why are you following me ? " Rogue has finally gotten his revenge. That's good but he hasn't killed the other one yet.

" Casey. " I hear a voice call. Sounds so familiar.

" Casey fight. " Fight what. I don't understand. What's going on ?

" Casey please he's taking over. You always give up. Why? You always need an anchor. With out Michelle we would have never returned. You never try. Your always like this. Fight we have have to. But you won't. Because you deserve everything that will happen to us. "

" That's not true. " I whisper. I try I didn't give up when you and saga went rogue. I didn't.

" It is true. Tsk. Everyone fighting for us and you never fight for them. "

" SHUT UP ! THATS NOT TRUE. " They're the reason I fight. Vera I do. I would never give up. You know that.

" Then why are you giving up now. You're letting this figment of your imagination corrupt us. " I just realized that. I am Casey. I am not a subconscious. I will not be taken over. This is my fucking body and my fucking mind and this is the last time this every happens.

" Rogue you're done ! "

" It doesn't matter now. Ha I've taken over more than have of your body and mind. And it was quite simple. All I had to do was get you angry enough. " he states out loud and Hel tilts her head to the side.

" So you are Wraith. I knew it. " Wraith?

" Yes I am and this body is now mine. "

" Vera we have to fight as one. Its time I stop letting shit like this happen to us. Yeah. " 

" Hmph actions speak louder than words. " Thats all she says as I feel myself get stronger. My mind no longer fuzzy.

" Hey Rogue. You forgot one thing. "

" What's that. " he still speaking outloud. 

" I can pull you in. "

" What? " he doesn't get the chance to react as our body falls like a sack of potatoes on the ground. Rose running over to us.

" Casey. " she holds me.

" What the fuck. Put me back. You can't control your body with how weak you are now. Hell you wont even be able to speak let alone move. " I shrug.

" Eh. Thats not my plan. "

" Then what is. " he asks and I frown.

" Everything has an end. "


Rose's pov

" Casey. " I hold onto her tears escaping my eyes. I turn to so called death.

" What's happening to her. " I ask as my mark slowly starts to fade.

" She's killing herself. " Hel states and I'm shocked.

" How ? Why ? What the fuck. " she shrugs.

" Do something. Please. " I beg her and she smirks.

" Hm this isn't going as I hoped but its going. " she smiles.

" What will you give me. " she asks and I know what she wants but. No Casey is worth it.

" Anything. " she smiles even wider as she transform a big black robe on her her hair now jet black. A scythe appears out of no where. Her eyes no there.

" Anything you say. "  I nod. She smirks.

" What if I want your life. Will you give that. " she asks and I shiver holding on to Casey as my mark is almost gone.

" Yes my life. I give it to you. You can have it. " I say quickly. Her body is so cold. How is this happening.

" Wait though. How is she doing it. " I ask before she can touch me.

" She pulled him in and as she fades away since he took most her mind and body now that he's stuck inside with her he will fade too. I never thought she'd do that though. " I nod and look to Revana and Michelle who are both crying. Seems that Casey dying hit them harder than I thought.

" HEY ! You two. " I yell and they look to me.

" Revana and Michelle please keep her safe. Because it seems I obviously can't. You both were there when I wasn't. " I state and they shake their heads.

" Rose. " I shake my head.

" I'm ready. " I say before she can make me cry more. I kiss Casey on the lips as Hel grabs my arm. As I feel myself die. I can feel a burst of happiness as Casey opens her eyes. I smile.

" I love you. " 

" ROSE ! " I reaches for me but everything goes black.


Casey's pov

" LET HER GO! " I scream and Hel shakes her head.

" Can't do that sweetheart. She gave her life in exchange for yours. So I gave you a little boost and that help you get most of your mind back. It also let her see you alive before she died. " she explains and I cry. She gave her life. I always fuck up. She was suppose to live. Why does this always happen to me.

" Stop whining " Vera says and I laugh.

" Huh I'll miss you Rose. " I whisper as I get up.

" Why are you still here though. " I ask Hel and she shrugs.

" My plans didn't go as I wanted them to. You see the only reason I was here in the first place was to be with you. But now I have someone else to keep me company in my lonely realm. Let me tell you though. Your troubles are not over yet. " And with that she disappears. What the fuck. Why not ?

" I wonder what she means. " Julia is the first to speak. Its time I get things straightened out. I turn. Towards Tyler who is still tied up. I don't feel raged any more when looking at him. I ask him a seriously question.

" Why? " he looks into my eyes. Then away.

" I wanted to. I wanted your power. I wanted everything that was handed to you. I wanted two mates. I wanted people willing to love me regardless of my fuck ups. I wanted people to flock to me because of my beauty. I

" Shut the fuck up. You are disgusting. " May slits his throat and I step back. Woah.

" I'm sorry. He. He. I hated being mated to him. I had to act as if I was happy. But I knew what he did. All the people he had killed. Innocent men women and children. " she stabs him again.

" I did nothing to stop it. " she cries.

" Its okay just calm down. " She shakes her head.

" I don't deserve your kindness. I don't deserve you forgiveness. " I frown. She almost stabs herself in the neck but in quicker. I grabbed her hand.

" You have a daughter to raise and your son Matthew he loves you. " she caress my cheek and looks into my eyes. Then pushes me hard. I land on my butt.

" Like I said I don't deserve any of this. " and she slams the knife into her neck and slits her own throat. I freeze as her blood splatters all over me.

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