chapter 8

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1 week later

Nina's  pov

" Talia " I whisper while straddling her for the first time the procedure worked Casey did help us im so happy I think to myself as I slap Talia's face lightly
" Talia wake up it worked we are separated for the first time " I say and she mumbles and turns to the side

" Nina chill let her wake up when she wakes now come on I know someone in this town I can smell and sense him " Casey states getting up and we begin to walk out of the hospital Andrea with us as well

" Who what's his name " I ask stepping closer to her she smells so good I wonder what her

" What dirty thoughts " Caleb says laughing lightly interrupting me and I blush

" Shut up " I say outloud and Casey looks at me

" Oh not you " I correct myself and she nods

" Well his names Yusuf Derit and he helped me last two time hopefully he helps this time as well " she says as we walk into the forest and it seems like hours that we are walking but finally we come to stop at cabin

" Hey Yusuf " Casey yells out and a tall lanky dread headed man walks out and smiles

" CASEY ON MY FUCK  " He yelps running to her and hugging her

" Everyone has been looking for you I have to take you home did yo- "

" Yusuf calm down " she grabs his shoulders

" Guys wait here okay ill be back " she says and we nod as she walks into the cabin with him

" So hows being separated walking good I see " Andrea tries to make conversation and I giggle

" Good I mean don't get me wrong I loved being around my sister but I love this feeling of being on my own walking and sleeping and running oh my god running I was able to run for the first time in my life it feels amazing " I ramble on and she nods

" Sounds like you're happy " Andrea states and I nod twirling around

" But its not a time of celebration we have to help Casey as much as we can " she states seriously and I nod

" Of course I understand and I want to help her as much as I can " I state and we look at each other for a couple of minutes

" You know she doesn't want another mate right. She doesn't want to go through the pain of losing another one " Andrea says sadly and I nod

" I know that but it doesn't hurt to try now does it " I shrug and she smirks

" I was thinking the same thing " she states and I laugh and I think thats the first time that we've had a real conversation

" Alright you two lets go " Casey yells out and Yusuf looks as if he were crying but he has a backpack on so I guess he's going to help

" We are gonna go back to the hospital and get your sister and dad then we start to move to the gates to gain entrance to the Vampire kingdom and once we pass that gate I am Kayla just Kayla and you are all apart of my small pack okay you understand " She explains and we all look at each other before we nod

" Okay good "

" Kayla I have some good news you know Victor the one you sent to spy on Tyler " Yusuf starts walking and we follow

" Yeah what about him " she shrugs

" Well his still there and he's been giving info to your ma and the rest of your pack "

" Really " she asks surprised

" Yeah it seems Tyler is letting his guard down when your beta came home without you " he states and Casey nods smiling wide

" Good now guys you know my wolf was taken from me and usually a wolf goes crazy and turns rogue but since I have Vera I haven't " she says and we look at each other confused

" Yeah we know " Andrea answers
" Well I think its time to allow my rogue scent to be free " she says and we all look even more confused

" Kayla you good cause you're acting a bit funny " Yusuf states and she shakes her head

" Vera has been controlling our scent to try to keep it low key but now its time to let it all out when I do your wolf may want to attack Andrea your demon will tell you to kill me Nina and your instincts will kick in Yusuf because its such a strong scent " she explains and we nod

" Alright let it go we will hold back " Andrea answers what we were all thinking.  She nods and when she does a strong aggressive scent and aura  attacks me my senses telling me to run my demon telling me to kill. Strange thing is the scent is mixed with her strong demon scent making it even more dangerous but I convince my self no harm will come our way

" Hm you were right Kayla but we can handle it " Andrea struggles to say in the beginning but finishes strong 

" that's  good to know " Kayla states as we come up to the hospital Talia and dad already out side and I run and hug her for the first time

" Hey to you too " Dad mumbles and we giggle but then I remember my conversation with Andrea and I stop we must take this seriously

" Woah is that scent coming off of you Kayla " Talia asks going close to her and sniffing how the hell I had to control my demon before I could get close to her

" Ha yeah look its time for us to go I have who I was looking for "

" Mm yeah we see that well if we drive there it will be a couple of hours "

" Really cool there are six of us we should get two cars three in one three in the other " Talia says
" Im with Kayla " Andrea and I say together and Talia shrugs

" Whose driving then because im not " Kayla states as we walk over to the car dealership

" I will drive " Yusuf says

" Yeah ill drive too " Dad agrees and I pout

" Ill go with this dude " Talia says and I almost growl

" Fine ill go with them too " Andrea states seeing that i wasn't going with my sister he he one point Nina zero points Andrea

" Mm okay are have our people to drive and who we go with now we just need to buy the cars Yusuf you got this right "

" Yeah lets go " he says and we walk to the car.

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