chapter 10

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Kayla's pov

" Morning everyone hope you all had a good night sleep. " Tyler yells making people grumble and growl. Right now its 3 am and we are about to train together. He says we will be fighting to see who is the strongest of us.

" Daddy ha " Amanda runs out holding onto his leg.

" May why is she up. " Tyler snarls at her as she tries to get the young girl off of him.

" She woke up when you did. I couldn't get her back to sleep. " May answers and he growls about to hit her but someone stops him.

" Ty what did I tell you about being so aggressive. She dint do anything wrong and now you're scaring Amanda. " Herrick says picking the girl up who is now crying.

" Hm what's wrong daddy scared you huh. " Herrick pops Tyler on the head. If I didn't hate Tyler I would find this cute.

" See I hit daddy all better. " he smiles and she giggles feeling better. I must get closer to the her somehow. I glance over to May. She's looking to the ground her body shaking. I smirk. Its not apart of the plan to seduce her, but hey lets fuck his life up a bit. I think as I walk to her smiling softly.

" Hey Luna are you alright. " I ask rubbing her back gently. She looks up at me and then glances and Tyler. Who is to busy with Herrick.

" I'm fine " she whispers looking to the ground once more

" yeah those tears tell me other wise. " I say grabbing her chin making her look at me. She gasps. Probably from the fact the my eyes are a bright blood red color instead of a my eye color.

" Why are your eyes red. There only suppose to be red when you are shifted. " she asks now curious.

" Well I dont know, but you can study me anytime if you wanna find out. " I wink and she blushes. It comes so naturally.

" May "

" Huh I mean yes " she answers

" Go get the drinks " he snaps and she nods quickly walking

" Alright everybody lets start. " he yells and I walk back to my people smiling. Some people stretching. Others just standing there sleepily

" Andrea should I go easy on them " I ask and she smirks

" Naw show them what you're made " she says and I nod this should be fun. I think to myself as I stretch my arms and legs.

" okay so the rules are simple. No killing. That's all. Everything else goes " Tyler yells and I almost laugh. Ha he's making my plans so easy. This may go fast than I hoped.

" We will be fighting battle style.  That means we have a red team and a green team. Blue is medics. Alright all of over there and all of you over there. Grab you colors. He splits all the people in a half. Leaving atleast 13 in the middle. I notice that Talia and Andrea are in the middle.

" Man ha you guys have medic duty. Have fun. " Nina teases and walks over to the green station grabbing 2 sports bras and 4 shorts. Hm battle style. Wonder what made him think of this. I shake my head as I grab the sports bra a shorts from Nina. Walking behind a tree and changing.

" Okay guys so here's the plan. We stuck together. We work as a team. Yusuf and Tax make sure you watch her back okay. " I say after changing and they nod.

" Okay everybody ready. If not oh well. You know the rule. Begin! " Tyler screams and all hell breaks loose. Men and women screaming attacking each other viciously that the medics are already running out to get people. Oh I see what he's doing. He trying to weed out the weak and overly aggressive. I think as I stay near Nina making sure she doesn't get hurt as Yusuf and Tax take down some people around us. I look at Tyler and notice Amanda is still with him. She's crying against his leg but he obviously can't hear her with all the noise going on. She's screaming now as a big guys shifts suddenly and biting into another guys leg. He's so close to her that the blood splatters all over her. Tyler's just smiling as if blood dud t just splash on his baby girl. Fucking despicable. He can't even treat his child right. He can't treat his mate right. WHY DOES HE DESERVE ONE. WHY ? I'll KILL HIM.

" No Casey calm down. " Vera yells at me but I'm not hearing it.  Everything goes black


Tyler's pov

Suddenly a frightening growl shakes the ground and everyone stops fighting. I hear some people whimper , and I also notice Amanda is still out here with me. I thought I told may to take her with her. I think to myself looking at the source of the noise. Its Kayla. The one Ive been looking forward to seeing fight since I met her.

" Everyone attack her. " I yell and and they look at me as if I'm crazy

" Do as I say " I yell and they look at her then me and in small groups start attacking. She starts laughing in a demonic way. Then looks at me with a huge smile. I shiver. What is she playing at. I look back at Amanda to see how she is but she's not there. I start to panic.

" AMANDA " I yell but I can't be heard as everyone starts running away from Kayla. I see Amanda running to her. Looking at Kayla I see dead body's all around her. She has now shifted blood covering her fur. She has a wolfish grin as she attacks another person not able to run away. What the hell no Amanda. I stand there paralyzed as I see Amanda getting closer to her.

" AMANDA NO GET BACK HERE " May screams running after her but she falls over a body.

" DO SOMETHING " she screams at me, but I can't move my body is paralyzed in fear as Amanda is now right behind Kayla. May screams and cries still trying to get over the mass of bodies.

" STOP IT " Amanda screams and I just stare as Kayla turns and growls at her. Walking closer to Amanda and snarling more

" Bad doggy. " Amanda slaps her nose. No Amanda what the fuck.

" You scare me. " she says and Kayla tilts her head to the side. Her bright red eyes no longer cruel as she shifts back. Looking at me I finally see why she looks so familiar. Why she seemed so tense

" Casey " I growl out and her eyes widen before she smiles snatching up Amanda and running

" PLANS CHANGED LETS GO PEOPLE ! " she screams and 3 girls and 2 guys start running after her.

" NO AMANDA " may screams shifting and running after them. My body still paralyzed in fear I whimper. Why can't I move. I think to myself and when I can't hear the barks and growls from May any longer my body Ali ks to the ground. I look at the mess around me. HOW THE FUCK CAN I BE SO STUPID. HOW DID I NOT NOTICE HER. SHE EASILY SLIPPED IN.

" What the fuck Tyler. Get the fuck up. What happened. " Herrick yells at me but I can't answer. Where did I go wrong. It wasn't suppose to be this way. I was suppose to win. I was suppose to kill her.

" You will never win. "  I hear her say and I jump up. Looking around quickly. I'm hearing shit. I think I need to uh sleep.

" Yeah sleep. " the voice says again and I look seeing only brown hair.

" I wonder where they went Rose." 

" What.... That.... You're.... Dead ." its getting harder to breath

" He's still up . Give him another shot. " I hear but I dont know where or who it came from. I look around one last time before darkness takes over

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